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Clausura de la edición 2022-2023 de cursos al Profesorado en castellano CESAR & CO (es)
Con un record de asistencia de unos 333 profesores de España y Argentina clausuramos ayer los cursos al profesorado CESAR & CO del curo académico 2022-2023. A partir del curso 2023-2024 a los colaboradores actuales (CAC, IAA, IAC, CONAE, CTIF-Oeste, CEFIRE, INFoD) se nos unen el Observatorio Astronómica Nacional (OAN), el Observatorio de Yebes y el Instituto de Ciencias desl Espacio (ICE-CSIC). See more |
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Preparados para el tercer curso de formación al profesorado en castellano CESAR (es)
El pasado 9 de febrero tuvo lugar la clausura del curso de profesores en castellano titulado La exploración espacial. Objetivo la Luna, con unos 200 profesores de España y Argentina como asistentes. Ya estamos listos para nuestro siguiente curso de profesores en castellano que tendrá lugar entre los días 27 y 30 de marzo con el título Los telescopios e infraestructuras del futuro. ¡ Registráos ya, no os lo podéis perder ! See more |
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MoU signature
Official signing ceremony took place on 16 Sep 2022, with DoGs of ISDEFE, INTA and ESA Science Director. See more |
CESAR at EPSC 2022
CESAR presented its activities and the Educational Events using online broadcast (Eclipses, transits) at the Europlanet Science Conference EPSC 2022, held 18-23 Sep 2022 in Granada, Spain. See more |
ESA - GTTP Teaching Course
The European Space Agency and the Galileo Teacher Training Program are inviting all interested teachers to the European Space Astronomy Centre for a week of training opportunities including presentations by scientists, hands-on activities, digital tools, research activities, visits to the facility and observing sessions with telescopes. See more |
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Tour for ESAC 2022 trainees
CESAR team gave a visit tour to the onsite 2022 ESAC trainees. The main ESAC rooms and missions were presented to these early career space enthusiasts. See more |
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CESAR Teacher workshops, in Spanish, organized for the school year (2021-2022)
Teacher workshops designed by the CESAR Team, in collaboration with CTIF (Madrid), CFIRE (Valencia), CEUCD (Canarias), ESA, CAB, IAC, IAA, Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (Valencia)... See more |
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CHEOPS launch
We experienced CHEOPS live launch on 18 December 2019, with around 100 enthusiastic students.
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CESAR aired live on TVE-24H
On 23 May 2019, the TVE-24H Spanish channel (La Barra - Astro24h) aired live an interview with the CESAR coordinator, MIchel Breitfellner. The CESAR initiative was presented, as part of ESA Education programs. See more |
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