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Teachers Training 2019/2020 (See the news without search to see the news correctly)
With the end of the scholar term, CESAR team also has ended the 2019/2020 teachers training season, which has been highly interesting. 
Along this year, we have continued the same teaching structure from previous years, splitting the course between the European Space Astronomy Centre, the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias in Valencia, or even Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital city.
On the following lines, we offer you a little resume of the courses we have implemented this year.
SMOS control room   Credit: ESA/CESAR


The bright matter on the Universe: The Stars

In February 2019 we offered this interesting course about star properties and types.
It started with an introduction by CESAR promoter Javier Ventura-Traveset, who gave a general view about ESA's missions and activities.
Between the days 12 and 14th of february, the corpus of the program consisted in:
  • The Sun: discovering our star
  • Solar Orbiter and other solar missions
  • SO/PHI: how we develop a scientific instrument intended for space
  • 'Nuclear ovens': the origing of nearly everything
  • Gaia: The greatest star mapping of all time
  • CESAR: An introduction of its educative resources 
Full programme can be seen here.

Studying the creation of “normal matter” in the Universe

This course was held on april 2019, where we discussed about galaxies formation and evolution, the chemical structure of the Universe or exoplanet detection, among other topics. 
As a complementary activity to this course, we visited Madrid's planetarium, were we saw the full-dome short documentary "The dark universe"
Full programme can be seen here (in spanish)

How to use an optical telescope in your school

This course was specially arranged for science and technology teachers, in which participants learnt how to use astronomical software like stellarium to plan an astronomical observation, or which kind of astronomical state-of-the-art infrastructure exists to observe the Universe along with students. A practical observational exercise using telescopes was also performed.
Full programme can be seen here (in spanish)

European Space Agency: Studying the Universe

This workshop was special due to its technical difficulties, since the course was splitted via videoconference between CESAR headquarters in ESAC and Buenos Aires Planetarium, in the other side of the Atlantic.
You can see a full report of this event by clicking here.

The colours of the Universe

How we study the Universe in different wavelengths was the key topic of this course, which started, as usual, with an introduction of ESA's activities in space, followed by a explanation of gamma ray's telescopes MAGIC and CTA, both located in the Canary Islands. Pedro Scarpa, from IAC, illustrated the audience about the observations in the optical range, while Jose Carlos Guirado did the same with the radiofrecuency. To finalize, Pedro Garcia Lario, from ESAC, gave the final explanations of the universe when observed in infrared (ISO and Herschel missions)
Full programme can be seen here (in spanish)

Studying Earth: An approximation.

SMOS, Galileo, Copernicus, SWARM, and other missions ESA has currently in space pointing at Earth and studying it, was the main topic of this course.
Full programme can be seen here


We still have two teacher training courses left, the first one this July, hosted by IAC "Exploring Stars and other worlds" and other in october, along with Galileo Teacher Training Program called "A journey to space exploration missions"


We keep going in our compromise to offer high quality training courses for teachers interested in astronomy and space missions, so stay tuned by checking upcoming events and courses in the Events section of this website!
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