Space Science Experience Introduction
STEP 1: Register in the CESAR Community here
STEP 2: Choose the favourite CESAR SSE for your class here
STEP 3: Register your SSE here and set two possible dates to come to ESAC
(Wednesdays or Thursdays
@9:30h or 11:30h)
STEP 4: Follow the SSE phases
(1) In the classroom:
watch a set of videos
refresh contents
fill and upload forms
set a teleconference
run a teleconference
(2) At ESAC:
(3) In the classroom:
Prepare a space-related topic and present it to the SSE contest.
(Details of the SSE phases here)

For details
read this procedure
55-60 students
From: 2nd Primary school
To: 2nd Bachillerato
If at any point of the process you find any issue, please contact us in (**)
Table 1: "Space-Science Experience" table offered by the CESAR Team with the specified material
(**) Important Note:
In case you are not sure to meet the date or any of the steps required before coming to ESAC please contact the CESAR Team asap in This is key to offer another time slot for your class in a short time as well as your free slot to another happy class. Two weeks in advance the venue to ESAC the status of the process will be reviewed by the CESAR Team. If neither the steps have been completed by the school nor an email has been received to explaining issues, the CESAR Team reserves the rights to cancel the Experience in favour to other SSE requests. The goal of the CESAR Team is to ensure an unforgettable Space Science Experience for your class. Thanks in advance for your understanding!