Home » Lectures - Sun Rotation - St. Michaels School
Sun Rotation - St. Michaels School
43 students in their second year of ESO

The CESAR Team has started the Space-Science Experiences for the new academic year 2017-2018.

On the 4th of October, 43 students from the St. Michael School, in their 2nd year of ESO came to ESAC to be a scientist for a day. The subject for their research was a "The Sun Rotation".

At ESAC, the CESAR Team was introduced to them and the student's five favourite questions were widely explained. After that, the group pof students was divided in two, starting one of them to do a scientific case while the other group did a tour where the "Electromagnetic Spectrum" was introduced as well as how the various ESA missions are able to catch this emission for stars, planets, galaxies ... and what do we learn from it.


Once the groups finished their activities, they swapped task. This way all the students were able to get the most of their time at ESAC.


Congratulations for the good work done! Remember this is just a starting to point to a Universe of Exploration waiting for you!

To visit us enter the Space Science Experience and follow the steps.