From 7th to 11th of November a group of 65 teachers came to ESAC (European Space Astronomy Center) to learn about the European Space Agency and their scientific missions within the context of a CTIF workshop.
Dr. Michel G. Breitfellner invited our Spanish astronaut Dr. Pedro Duque for the inauguration of the November CTIF workshop held at the European Space Agency base in Madrid. The teachers had the chance to ask him all the questions they had in mind. It was great to see how the adults get as surprised in front of him as the kids. Pedro Duque is our ESA hero.
The workshop was distributed along these lines.
Day |
Topic |
Speaker |
file |
2016/11/07 |
La Agencia Espacial Europea |
Dr. Michel G. Breitfellner |
talk |
2016/11/08 |
Astronomía infrarroja - el Universo frío y distante: la misión Herschel
Dr. Pedro Garcia-Lario |
talk |
2016/11/08 |
Gaia, Cartografiando la Galaxia |
Dr. Jose Hernandez |
talk |
2016/11/09 |
Aventura espacial en busca de nuestros orígenes
Dr. Miguel Perez Ayucar |
talk1, talk2,talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6, talk7
2016/11/10 |
Exploring the Outer-Solar System: looking for our origins |
Dr. Nicolas Altobelli |
talk |
On the first day, Dr. Michel G. Breitfellener, ESA Education Coordinator in Spain, explained the European Space Agency activities and in detail those at its unique base in Spain, at the European Space Astronomy Center. These activities comprehend from the development of new missions, running scientific operations, data archival and science exploitation and furthermore education activities (CESAR Team).
On the second day Dr. Pedro Garcia-Lario revealed all the secrets unrevealed by the Herschel mission from the far-infrared mission and Dr. Jose Hernandez explained how the Gaia mission is generating the new star census in our galaxy.
On the third day Dr. Miguel Perez Ayucar, explained in detail all the goals achieved by the Rosetta Mission, the first ESA mission able to analyze the water on a comet 967P Chury-Gerasimenko).
Miguel Perez Ayucar in front of the Rosetta and Philae models.
On the last day, Dr. Nicolas Altobelli explained the amazing discoveries from Saturn and Jupiter from the Cassini-Huygens mission and the Jupiter moons. He also explained how the Jupiter moons will be studied by the Juice mission in the near future.
The teachers declared that this was the best workshop they had in 30 years!