Venus Transit June 2012
Work in progress...
Main results from the Venus Transit 2012 expeditions to Svalbard and Canberra
Two expeditions were organized to observe the unique event from 2 distant locations on Earth: Longyearbyen, in the Svalbard Islands, and Canberra, in Australia. This was one of the longest baselines achievable for ground observers. The dataset, therefore, offers unique information and spectacular parallax effects in two spectral ranges (h-alpha and white light).
Parallax measurements during the Venus Transit 2012

Parallax effects Parallax effects Parallax effects
3D stereo composite images of the Venus Transit 2012
Please use red/cyan glasses .

3d anaglyph h-alpha
H - ALPHA anaglyph showing parallax effect
Svalbard / Canberra
Image date/time: 2012-06-06 03:28 (UTC)

White light anaglyph
WHITE LIGHT anaglyph showing parallax effect
Svalbard / Canberra
Image date/time: 2012-06-06 03:46 (UTC)
Videos Venus Parallax
Venus Transit 2012 image archive.

Example of H-alpha image
Image date/time: 2012-06-06 03:48:08 (Local Time)
Interactive video of Svalbard H-alpha images

Example of White Light image
Image date/time: 2012-06-06 06:51:59 (Local Time)
Interactive video of Svalbard White Light images
Processed images CANBERRA

Example of H-alpha image
Image date/time: 2012-06-06 04:25:39 (UTC)
Interactive video of Canberra H-alpha images

Example of White Light image
Image date/time: 2012-06-06 04:27:23 (UTC)
Interactive video of Canberra White Light images
Calculating the astronomical unit with the data from the Venus Transit 2012
text to be written
Location of the Expeditions
Click to Play
Animation: differential rotation of the Sva-Can baseline during the whole transit, as seen from Venus

Visibility map and expeditions location

Svalbard - Canberra Baseline distance
Images of the expeditions
links to be added
Useful links related to the Venus Transit 2012
ESA news, "Transit of Venus wows astronomers worldwide": link
ESAC intranet story, "Four ESAC astronomers travel to opposite regions in the planet to witness the Venus transit": link
Euronews, Unveiling Venus: link
Special piece of music for our last Transit of Venus, by William Zeitler. Video clip produced with the help of UCLA / iPLEX: link
Article in El Pais, "El Ultimo transito de Venus de nuestras vidas", by Miguel Perez Ayucar (Spanish): link
The Australian news: link
Venus transit 2012 by GONG network: link
General links to Solar observations
Catching Sunlight: A TEDx Talk by DIY Solar Photographer Alan Friedman: link
GONG network H-alpha monitoring: link
Aula Espazio: sun images, Planetary Sciences Group at the UPV: link