Mercury Transit 11 Nov 2019 Versión en Ingles
This is the Mercury Transit 2019 results webpage, from the CESAR observation at ESAC (European Space Astronomy Center), on 11-Nov-2019.
CESAR organized a SPECIAL EVENT on the 11 November, 2019. Transit started at 13:35 local time in ESAC, Spain, 12:35 in UTC. Sunset was around 17:59. Transit ended at 18:03 aprox.
NOTE Images can be used under the terms and conditions of the CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO licence. Click on images for high-res versions.
Despite the cloudy weather, CESAR team was able to capture images both in visible light and H-alpha from ESAC. Please note that all images are taken through some clouds, and therefore their sharpness and contrast is not as if with a clear sky.
Next Mercury transit will be in 2032.

Mercury at 12:50 UTC. Camera Canon 550D and 8" Celestron telescope.

Mercury at 15:22 (left narrow h-alpha, right visible light) from the ESA Solar Observatory HELIOS.
Our greatest thanks to the CESAR team that made possible this event, and to the ESAC Astronomy Club that also set two telescopes for visual observations through eyepieces.
If you want to see ESA's PROBA-2 Images, you can check here and here
NOTE Images can be used under the terms and conditions of the CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO licence.