Home » Lectures - Mission to the Moon - CPB CIUDAD DE COLUMBIA
Mission to the Moon - CPB CIUDAD DE COLUMBIA
23 students - 3rd year of Primary school

The school CPB Ciudad de Columbia started the Space-Science Experience offered by the CESAR Team during the month of January. The topic selected for this experience was "Mission to the Moon".

This experience started at the school, with the support from the teachers, who shown some videos generated by the CESAR Team. In those videos there were explained what the European Space Agency is, how the satellites are sent to the Space and the different type of space missions that explore the Earth, the Solar System and the objects outside the Solar System (like other stars, galaxies, ...).

On the Monday, 8th of Janurary, the classroom connected through Skype, from the school with the European Space Astronomy Center in Madrid (ESAC). From there, the coordinator of the CESAR Team, Dr. Michel Breitfellener, gave them a warm welcome and clarified all their doubts related to the space, motivating them for their expedition to ESAC on the 10th of January.

On the Wednesday, 10th of January, the 23 students enrolled in the Space-Science Experience came to ESAC with their teachers to execute their selected science case: Mission to the Moon.

The group of students was divided in smaller teams, each one of them executing a different mission, all of them complementary for the final goal of going to the Moon.


Each team presented their investigations to the rest of the groups and to the CESAR Team, who answered all their questions. After this activity, the students together with the CESAR Team, were shown the ESAC facilities discovering the incredible mysteries behind the Light and how the different ESA space missions have caught them.

It was an incredible morning in which the 8-year-old students got to know the amazing work done by engineers and astronomers from ESA.



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