Home » Lectures - Topographic studies with augmented reality - IES Duque de Albuquerque
Topographic studies with augmented reality - IES Duque de Albuquerque
42 students - 1ºESO

During last thursday, students from IES Duque de Albuquerque came to ESAC. The scientific case they choose was about topographic studies. In this scientific case they learn how useful topograhic maps are applying their knowledge to trace better routes between two points or to find out the best location for placing a dam. Although the most interesting part for both students and teachers was the augmented reality sandbox: using 3D cameras and a projector they are able to create with their own hands different surface features which are colored by heights in real time. 

As usual we had a tour around ESAC watching the scale models of differente scientific missions like Gaia or Rosetta. We also took a closer look to the 14m antena and touched a section of an Ariane 5 rocker

The visit was a success and we hope to see you soon again!


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