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Colegio Alegra Space-Science Experience
The mysteries of the Sun revealed to a group of 30 students in their 2nd year of ESO from the Alegra school.

On the 22nd of March, a group of 30 students from the Alegra school came to ESAC to perform the Scientific Case that they had selected as their favourite. This research will help us to better know the star that give us the life: the Sun.


The Scientific Case forms part of the Space Science Experience offered by the CESAR Team and started in the classrooms with the support from their teachers. In order to be able to start this Space-Science Experience, the CESAR Team had provided to them with a set of videos and material that could guide in their preparation and furthermore a skype session before the school came to ESAC. Along this whole experience many doubts triggered to the students and those were sent to the CESAR Team for clarification.

The first thing we did when the students arrived was to clarify their questions and others that raised at the time that the Universe became a closer place to them. Secondly we created two groups of students and meanwhile one of them was discovering the different ESA missions walking through their models the second group started to study deeper the Sun from some of its images where sunspots moved with time.


To visit us enter the Space Science Experience and follow the steps.