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ESA Lunar Nights: Apollo documentaries (See the news without search to see the news correctly)
On July 20th, 1969 the Apollo Lunar Landing Module “Eagle” landed on the Moon’s surface after a 3-day long trip from the Earth, and 6 hours later, Neil Armstrong became the first person to step onto our satellite, symbolically ending the "Space Race", that started in 1957 when the sovietic satellite Sputnik 1 was launched.
Apollo 11 was the culmination of 12 years of tests, achievements and failures that paved the way to make true this historic event, that formally ended when Eugene Cernan in 1972 (Apollo 17) was oficially the last man on the Moon, where we have not come back since.
Pictures like the one of Buzz Aldrin's bootprint, or him staring at the camera behind his visor are worldwide known, and part of human history.
                       Buzz Aldrin photographed by Neil Armstrong. Source: NASA                                                   Aldrin's bootprint marked onto the lunar surface. Source:NASA
This past month we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Moon landings,  with an exclusive series of Apollo documentaries that were screened across ESA Establishments on Thursday 11, 18 and 25 of July 2019.
CESAR was in charge of the exhibition in ESAC, which was free for ESA's badge holders and family members, and included the following films and documentaries.
  • The last man on the Moon (2014)
  • Mission Control: The unsung Heroes of Apollo (2017) 
  • Armstrong (2019)
Assistants in CESAR's Lecture's room


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