Topographic studies with augmented reality - CEIP Miguel de Cervantes
10/May/201843 students - 6º Primaria
During last Thursday, students from CEIP Miguel de Cervantes came to ESAC. The choose the scientific case about topographic studies and they work on it perfectly. As an example, they learnt how to read contour line maps and then choose the most suitable spor to land a robotic missions. But the part that students and teachers most enjoyed was the augmented reality sandbox: using 3D cameras and a projector they are able to modified with their own hands different surface features which are colored in real time depending on the height.
As usual, we had a tour around ESAC talking about the scale models of ESA's most important space missions like Gaia or Rosetta. There was a lot of different questions answered by our monitors and we hare sure that some scientific vocations had arise.
We hope to see you again soon!