Home » Lectures - Interplanetary Journey - Kolbe School
Interplanetary Journey - Kolbe School
53 students from primary 1st grade

Today, April the 5th, we have recieved at ESAC the visit of 53 students from Kolbe school. The little astronauts were brave enough to join us in an interplanetary journey and learn more about the universe that surround us. With Captain Lili they traveled through the cosmos, from the Sun, our star, to the limits of the Solar System.





Thanks to audovisual material specifically designed for this adventure, to new technologies adapted to education, and to unique sensory elements, the adventure was unforgetable, inmersive and amusing. Thats why we are sure that the knowledge they have adquired wont be forgotten.

Before getting back to school, we walked through ESAC and made a tour by the spacecraft models. They all learned a lot about how we explore the universe, how we communicate with spacecrafts, and they even got to touch a real piece of a rocket.

It has been a pleasure to share this experience, we hope to see you soon for a future visit!

To visit us enter the Space Science Experience and follow the steps.