Home » Lectures - Topographic Planetary Study with Augmented Reality - Mirabal School
Topographic Planetary Study with Augmented Reality - Mirabal School
50 students - 1º ESO

During the last Thursday 50 students from Mirabal School (1st ESO) came to ESAC to work on the topograhic studies scientific case using, among other resources, augmented reality.

At the beggining of the visit they had a short talk with our monitors and the coordinator of the CESAR project, Dr. Michel Breitfellner, about the existence of life on Mars and the huge training people have to complete to become astronauts. After this welcoming we divide them into two groups, one of them went first to a tour around ESAC to learn more about the space missions ESA had acomplished until now, they could also touch a piece of the Ariena 5 rocket.

Menwhile the other classroom started the scientific case about topographic studies, they learned about how to draw and interpreted contour line maps. Althought the great experience was modeling with their own hands different geographic features in real time, using the augmented reality sandbox.

We hope that you had a great time with us and that new scientific vocations had arise.

To visit us enter the Space Science Experience and follow the steps.