Home » Lectures - Sun rotation - IES Kraus
Sun rotation - IES Kraus
120 students - 1rst year of ESO

On the 31srt of January, 120 students in their first year of ESO from the IES Kraus school, came to ESAC as part of their Space-Science Experience, offered by the CESAR Team to schools in Spain.

This adventure started in the classrooms, with the support of their teachers, who put on a set of videos generated by the CESAR Team about the European Space Agency and its space exploration. A few days before coming to ESAC, the students had a Skype session with the CESAR coordinator, Dr. Michel Breitfellner, to whom they made a lot of questions triggered from watching the videos. The research topic selected by the school was: the Sun rotation.

On the 31rst of January, the 120 students came to ESAC in two turns, at 9:45 and at 11:45.

In both cases, the activities run at ESAC had two complementary parts: One of the groups was doing a tour around the facilities, for getting to know how astronomers and engineers work, the students were explained some of the key ESA space missions, which had/have revealed information from infrarred to gamma rays. At the same time, another groupd was deriving the sun velocity rotation from the some Sun images collected by the CESAR telescope, locatted at ESAC.

Do you think that the Sun rotates at the same speed at its equator than close to its poles? We encourage you to discover it with us, as the IES Kraus students did.




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