Home » Lectures - Zola School SSE
Zola School SSE
(versión en ingles)
1º ESO - 70 students
GroupA: 35 students -9:30-11:00
GroupB: 35 students -11:30 -13:00

On the 2nd of November, two groups of almost 60 students each came to ESAC to be scientists for a day as part of  their Space Science Experience.


Each of the groups came from the same school: Zola School, at 9:15 and 11:15h, respectively. Both of them were from 1º ESO and their investigation topic  was a "Topographic Study".

Before coming to ESAC, as the scientists do, they got prepared at the school with the support from their teachers. For that they watched a series of short videos and read a short introduction about the "Scientific Case" that they were going to perform at ESAC.

The Friday before coming to ESAC, 28th of October, the CESAR coordinator (Dr. Michel Breitfellner) had a Skype session with each of the group of students that were coming. He did a live introduction about the Earth and the satellites that study it and also gave the kids a warm welcome onboard ESAC.

The more you learn about a topic the more questions trigger. The fifth key questions, which were raised and still open along their learning process, were answered on 2nd November at ESAC by the CESAR team. After that, the students were ready to work.

Each of the groups was divided into two groups, one was going to face the scientific calculations using theory and data and the another one was learning about how the data was collected.

Hundreds of questions were triggered along the model tour, especially around the antenna of the SMOS mission which currently studies the water on the Earth. All the kid's questions were solved. 

All the hypothesis about "A Topographic Study" were checked with calculations and later put in common. 


On 2nd of November, it was a great morning as 70 kids learned more about the Earth evolution and how we should preserving it as well as how important Earth observation missions allow us to quickly react against catastrophes.

But this Space Science Experience haven't finished yet, we wait for your Abstracts to share your discoveries with the "Scientific Community".

The best three Abstract will win the SSE Prize, do not miss it!

Para visitarnos entra en el Space Science Experience y sigue los pasos.