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EscoCiencia winners visit ESAC
(versión en ingles)
2º ESO + 1º Bachillerato - 33 students

ESAC received a special school visit today, in fact the two classes, 2ºESO and 1º Bachillerato are not from a same school as always but they are the winners of the EscoCiencia contest organized by the San Lorenzo del Escorial district.

EscoCiencia contest had the aim to get people closer to science knowledges, through observation and reasoning. The contest was from the 19th to the 29th of November and there were conferences, expositions, guied visits, workshops, school activities etc...and winners award was to visit ESAC!!! 

So today the 33 winners went to ESAC and they very interested and fascinated by the ESA work and missions.

ESA presentation

The workshop

The radio antenna



Para visitarnos entra en el Space Science Experience y sigue los pasos.