Sun Rotation Study - St. Michaels school
25/October/201744 students - 2 ESO
On the 25th of November, a group of students from Sant Michael's school, in their second year of ESO, came to ESAC with their teachers to estimate the Sun rotation period.
After a short introduction to the team, who answered key questions for the kids, the activities started.

The team was divided in two. One of the groups did a tour around the satellite models, set at ESAC, at the time that they were told about the most relevant missions developed and under development by the European Space Agency. During that time, the second group was working following the scientific method, using real images collected by the CESAR telescope, based at ESAC and some SOHO images. Finally, the students presented their results to their colleages.

Once the activities were completed, the groups swapped roles. This way all the students could get the most of this amazing experience, that is to be a scientist from the European Space Agency for a day.