CEIP Rabindranath Tagore SSE
23/November/20164th-grade primary school
50 students
On the 23rd of November, 50 primary school students in their 4th-grade, from the Rabindranath Tagore School, came to ESAC with their teachers to execute the "Scientific Case", within the Space-Science Experience that they have already begun with us some weeks in advance. The Scientific Case selected by the students was "The Colour of the Stars".
As a first step, the students explained us (the CESAR Team) what they had already learnt when watching our videos in their classroom, with their teacher's support. After that, we answered to the questions they were most interested in, about the Universe and the space technics.

The first group, learning the keys to be the scientist.

The second group, working as scientist to understand what the colour of the stars mean.

The second group, learning all the details of the Rosetta mission.
It was a very interesting morning for both, the students and the CESAR Team. We look forward to seeing you soon! and please, do not forget to finish your Space-Science Experience! You may even be the winners of the CESAR Space Science Experiences this year! Bye!