Nuestra Señora de las Victorias SSEs
16/November/2016100 students
4º Primaria - 49 students
1º ESO - 51 students
On 16th of November, two groups of almost 50 students each from the school Nuestra Señora de las Victorias, came to ESAC to be scientists for a day as part of their Space Science Experience.

The first group was from 4º de Primaria and their investigation was about "A topographic Study" Meanwhile, the second group, from 1º de la ESO, did an investigation on "The Sun Rotation".
On 14th November, Dr Michel Breitfellner gave remotely to the kids a warm welcome on board ESAC and asked them to send to us 5 of their "never-asked-but-super-interested-questions-to-them" about Science and Space which were solved today by the Team. These were their questions:
never-asked-but-super-interested-questions-to-them |
What are the stars made of?
What is there inside the black holes?
What are the names of the 10 biggest Jupiter moons?
What was the origin of the Sun?
What is behind the Universe?
Today 16th November at ESAC, we briefly asked the kids about the videos they had watched in the school and whether they were understood to them and then we started to answer their "never-asked-but-super-interested-questions-to-them" what made the kids super happy.The Universe was more understandable to them now and they started to think of more questions until the Universe will get fully understood.

After that, we separated each group into two groups: one of them was going to face the scientific calculations using theory and data and the another one was going to learn more about how the data was collected and the different missions.

We are really interested to read your Abstracts to learn more about your experience as a Scientist!