Home » Lectures - Topographic studies with augmented reality - Colegio Las Tablas-Valverde
Topographic studies with augmented reality - Colegio Las Tablas-Valverde
45 students - 6º Primaria

During last thursday students from Las Tablas - Valverde came to ESAC to work on the scientific case about topographic studies. They had the great opportunity to meet Pedro Duque before the scientific case and talk with him about their experiences in the International Space Station and aboard the spaceships Soyuz or the Space Shuttle. There's no doubt that the students enjoyed this visit because the didn't stop making questions at any moment. 

In the scientific case they learnt about topography thanks to the augmented reality sandbox, a system made by us with which students are able to modified surface features with sand while a color map by heights is projected in real time. Then we visit a few scale models of space missiones like Rosetta or Gaia. 

We hope to see you soon again!


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