Interplanetary Journey - Vicente Aleixandre School
05/April/201851 students from primary 2nd and 4th grade
This morning two groups of very brave children from Vicente Aleixandre School visited us. After chating with an expert astrophisics they decided to join us in an Interplanetary Journey. It has been a great adventure through knowledge during which we travelled through all the Solar System, visiting the planets and some other objects like moons, asteroids and comets.

Thanks to special effects, sensory elements, multimedia material and the power of imagination, the trip turned into a real adventure. Among excitement and joy we learned a lot of facts about space that we will never forget.
Moreover we walked by the spacecraft models exhibition at ESAC and while they learned about how we explore the cosmos all the questions they had about space where solved.
It has been great to share this morning with you, we hope to see you back!