Solar Observatory
See the Sun online and use the images in the on line tools for science
Daily Solar Observation
Calcium-Visible-Halpha telescopes
Space in your classroom: Space Science Experience
Work on scientific cases with us at ESAC or in your school
CESAR SSE awarded by Comunidad de Madrid
Activities of Special Dedication award
ESA-GTTP 2023 – The Unlimited Universe
The European Space Agency and the Galileo Teacher Training Program join hands again to bring cutting-edge training opportunities to all interested tea
CESAR is an educational ESA initiative whose main objective is to engage secondary school students with the wonders of astronomy and, more generally, science and technology.

See our For Educators section to see what experiences we offer.

Read more about CESAR
04/12/2024 - UC3M (Department of Aerospace Engineering,Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
University Carlos II shows intetest in ESAC activities
25/11/2024 - Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (UAX) visitan ESAC
Un grupo de alumnos de la asignatura de Vehículos espaciales de la UAX visitan nuestras instalaciones en Villafranca del Castillo.
20/11/2024 - Universidad Europea visita las instaciones de ESAC
Grupos pertenecientes al S-Art (Proyecto Aeroespacial Estudiantil Universitario) de la Universidad europea nos vistan en noviembre
19/11/2024 - VUROAVIA Visit: The European Association of Aerospace Students
The european Association of Aerospace Student show intetest in ESAC activities

Presentation by Javier Ventura - ESA/ESAC/CESAR (English)
The Story of James Webb (part 1)
The Story of James Webb-Gustavo Rojas
CESAR te lleva a explorar el espacio
Conoce al nuevo Equipo CESAR
Hack an Exoplanet with ESA Education | Live Event
Hack an Exoplanet with ESA Education | Live Event