Miguel Pérez Ayúcar
Miguel Pérez Ayúcar studied Telecommunications Engineering at the Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (1995-2001). He did his thesis in the Architecture of a Communication System with Mars based on a Data Relay Orbiter (2001), while being a scholarship holder at INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Technology), Madrid, Spain. He obtained a post-graduate diploma as Satellite Communications Specialist from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM, 2001). He graduated in the Summer Session Program 2004 (SSP'04) of the International Space University (ISU), in Adelaide, Australia. He also graduated in Applied Science, Space Studies, in the University of South Australia, Adelaide.
He worked as a Satellite Analyst at the MINISAT01 Mission Control Center (2001-2002) at INTA, Madrid. He worked as a Satellite Consultant at the SATCOM Programme Office of the Spanish Ministry of Defense, for Spainsat and XTAR-EUR satellites (2002), in Madrid. He is working since 2002 at ESA, starting as Cassini-Huygens Science operations Engineer (2002-2006), Venus Express Science Operations Engineer (2006-2011), Venus Express Science Ground Segment Manager (2011-2013), and Rosetta Science Operations and Planning Group Leader (2013-2018). He is currently the Science Operations interface (SCO-06) for BEpicolombo mission to Mercury.
In 2010 he started together with some colleagues the CESAR initiative on a voluntary basis. Since then he has responsible for the construction and operation of the CESAR Solar Observatory, and contributed in all core activities of CESAR. Starting from July 2021 he is the Technical Coordinator (SCO-10) of the CESAR activities.