The CESAR Team is 100% engaged with bringing science and in particular Astronomy, together with the European Space Agency and ISDEFE, to the kids and youngsters. For this, the team enrolled it in family workshops as well as videocalls with schools between the days 7-14 of February, as part of the 11F initiative: "Woman and Girl in Science".
On the 7th of February, the Data Processing Manager from the ESA BepiColombo mission, Santa Martínez, together with the CESAR Team, conducted a family activity called "Prepare your family trip to Mars" at the MediaLab base in Paseo del Prado, Madrid. A total number of 100 parents and kids, with all age ranges, spread in diferent table-teams, planned what would they bring to Mars and where would they build their house in the red planet. The winner team celebrated being the crew selected to go to Mars and very excited received the ESA prices.
Afterwards, two talks were given to the parents, in which Santa Martínez introduced the amazing ESA BepiColombo mission, in its way to Mercury and Beatriz González introduced the CESAR Space Science Experiences at ESAC.
In the morning of the 7th of February, parents, kids and organizers enjoyed quite a lot science (all genders & all ages).
During the following week, Beatriz González executed videocalls with 5 schools in the Comunidad de Madrid, that had requested, as part of the 11F initiative, to talk to an astronomer. Some of these videocalls had up to three rounds (sessions for different ages).
The videocall was conducted by a presentation about the "ESA scientific missions & the CESAR scientific activities". The conference was given in English and switched to Spanish only when the sound or the understanding of the language, for smaller kids, was required (following the teachers recommendation).
The presentation goals were:
- making more visible the role of the European Space Agency and its amazing space missions, as well as the various professional roles that women and men have in the various ESA bases around Europe, in order to boost new STEM vocations.
- making more visible the CESAR Space Science Experiences with schools and institutes during the whole school year and to invite new schools to participate with us in them.
IES Senda Galiana
4 ESO & 1 Bachillerato
60 students
Colegio Luz Casanova Embajadores
45 students
Colegio Vendruna de Carabanchel
3&4 ESO
1&2 ESO
92 students
23 students
20 students
IES Mariano Jose Larra
4 ESO &Bachillerato
60 students
60 students
IES Neil Amstrong
2º Bachillerato (Sciences)
At the end of the videocalls, students and teacher approached the monitor to thank the speaker for the inspirational talk. Some of the centers, like IES Neil Amstrong would like to repeat the talk during the following week, with other groups.
All the teachers shown a great interest for getting to know more about the European Space Agency and the CESAR Educational Activities for this and next school year.
A big aplause to the teachers that enrolle themselves in this initiatives as some of the schools were having pararell calls and talks on the same day.