Abel de Burgos Sierra Versión en Ingles

Abel joined the CESAR project as trainee in 2015. As a Master student in astrophysics and vocational astronomer, he has been developing Science Cases that will introduce everyone interested in the field of astrophysics and space exploration. From 2016 he is working in the Cesar ESAC Solar Observatory (CESO) and the CESAR Robledo Optical Observatory at Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex of NASA as telescope operator and support astronomer.
He is also conducting an intership at Mars Express mission, supporting the scientific operations of the VMC camera aboard the spacecraft.
His main research interests are: stellar associations, cold stars and exoplanets.
A broad knowledge of astronomical instrumentation, software, image processing, and telescopes maintenance is something that Abel has acquired for many years working in different observatories.
He also has dedicated many years of his life to his favorite hobby: the astrophotography. Some of his images can be found here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/astrofotografiabel/