Since the re-opening of the Space Science Experiences (SSE) at ESAC on the 13th of October, the CESAR Team hosted 17 visits at their base, the European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC) close to Madrid, of about 750 students (~350 female students and ~400 male students) of centres of primary and secondary level. Most of these visits were from 13 schools in the Comunidad de Madrid (9 public centres, 3 private centres and 1 concertated centre) and one coming from a public school from the Comunidad de Andalucía (Huelva).

The Space Science Experiences are educational experiences designed by the CESAR Team for 6-18 year-old students, cross-checked with the Spanish scholar CV. Their goal is to bridge the gap between the classrooms and the professional world, create critical thinking and provide new references for the students in particular in the area of Space and Astronomy. For this purpose, students, accompanied by their teachers and the CESAR Team, get prepare for some scientific research and execute it.
The CESAR Team offers a wide variety of topics for these SSEs, called Scientific Cases, where students get prepare for a hands-on activity refreshing concepts and learning new ones through some videos and videocalls. Once they are ready they became scientist and engineers for a day at ESAC, where they face some challenges related to Earth, the Moon, Mars or Jupiter, as well as from the Sun and galaxies, ... analyzing real data (from the CESAR Telescope or the ESA scientific missions- ESASky: on computers with educational software when feasible.
We call them Space Science Experiences and not just Space materials because during all the phases teachers and students could be accompanied by the CESAR Team, supported by the Nubalo company.

Those teachers from the Comunidad de Madrid teaching at public centres could obtain the certificate of having execute an "Actividad de Especial Dedicación" once they have completed all the SSE phases (preparation in class, videocall with the CESAR Team, execution of a hands-on activity at ESAC or on-line, generation of their scientific publication once in class and filling their feedback).
Up to the 23rd of November these were the Scientific Cases selected as SSE at ESAC:
For primary level: Study of the Earth with augmented reality (3 sessions), Constellations (2 sessions), The colours of the stars (2 sessions).

For secondary level : Following sunspots (1), Solar storm towards the Earth (1), Mission to Mars (1), The secrets of the galaxies (3).
For Bachelor: Mission to Mars (1), What are the stars made of? (3)

Congratulations to the centers IES CARMEN CONDE (@IES_CarmenConde), COLEGIO ARETEIA (@Colegio_Areteia), IES ARQUITECTO VENTURA RODRÍGUEZ (@IesVentura), IES ISABEL LA CATÓLICA (@IES_Isabella), SCUOLA ITALIANA STATALE DI MADRID (@iicmadrid), CEIP LOPE DE VEGA (@ceiplopedevega), IES FERNANDO FERNAN GOMEZ, CEIPSO EL CANTIZAL (@AmpaElCantizal), IES LEÓN FELIPE (GETAFE) (@IesleonfelipeG) PATROCINIO DE SAN JOSE (@patrociniosj), STELLA MARIS e IES MARÍA ZAMBRANO (@ies_zambrano) from the Comunidad de Madrid and IES JUAN ANTONIO PEREZ MERCADER DE CORRALES from Comunidad de Andalucía (Huelva).
We are looking forward to receiving your posters that will allow you to obtain your SSE certificates and participate in the 2022-2023 SSE Contest.