CESAR Team collaborate developing new software experiences for Virtual Reality glasses with the ESA real all sky maps data for ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC) using the real HiPS of all Sky Maps (ESA Sky Aladin maps).
With this demonstration we can navigate through the Herschel observations in different wavelenght taked with the instruments PACS and SPIRES, make zoom in several zones to see more details, see the 360 degrees maps around you, see a video with all the observations that Herschel makes during its life, see some Herschel videos or change between different maps of other satellites.
This software is compatible with Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, mac, PC and linux so also without cardboard glasses the people can navigate through the app.

Click on the images to make them bigger
This new VR experience was developed for the Herschel End of Post-Operations Event on ESAC.
Also an Augmented Reality presentation with some of the ESA missions was showed in the event. Now is the time to analyze the big possibilities of these technologies for education in STEM methods.
Photos from the event:

You can see a short experience here