The VMC camera, located on the scientific satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA), Mars Express, is sending us images of the surface of Mars.
ESA scientists and engineers want to program the Mars Express observations to obtain information needed for the preparation of the future ExoMars 2022 mission.
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Figure 1: Representation of Mars Express and Mars behind (Credits: ESA/MEX)
If you help us, you will first identify variations in the images of Mars from the VMC camera, on board the Mars Express spacecraft, particularly in the area of the polar caps.
You will analyze whether these changes in the size of the poles are related to the seasons on Mars, as is the case with the seasons on Earth. If so, you could deduce the length of a Martian year.
Finally, you will calculate what date ExoMars could arrive on Mars, if the launch took place in September 2022 and what would be found at its arrival in different areas of the Mars surface, depending on the seasons.
We need help preparing the ExoMars mission, Are you joining ESA's Mars experts?