Like previous years, this year ESAC Summer Solstice Star Party, on the 1th of July, was also a success. Organised by the ESAC Astronomy Club and the CESAR project, the Star Party was attended my over 500 people, who were able to observe, through our telescopes, some planets like Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and lots of stars and bright objects in the sky.
The programme for the Star Party was: at 20:30 presentation in Spanish by Eduardo Ojero about how to use a telescope for astronomical observations and a short overview about what is ESA and ESAC. Then at 21:30 tour in Spanish and English by Michel Breitfellner on different ESA science satellites missions starting with the satellite models in entrance of building B and continuing with models along main road. Finally at 22:15 started the astronomical observations with telescopes.
Below you can find some photos from the event:
