On September 25th, as part of the summer course “Introduction to Radio Astronomy” organized by Universidad Publica de Navarra (UPNA) and Planetario de Pamplona, CESAR participated in a remote observation with the CERT (CEsar Radio Telescope) 15 m antenna from ESAC.
Between September 20th and 25th, about 30 students followed the course that was given by our colleague Cristina Garcia Miró (NASA Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex -MDSCC) and Ruben Herrero Illana (Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia). It concluded with a practical remote observation with CERT of several astronomical radio sources: a supernovae remnant (Cassiopea A), the galactic nucleii (Sagitarius A*), a radiogalaxy (Cygnus A), one quasar (3C273) and a star formation region (Scutum).
With this demonstration and the one performed for the Carlos III University visit to ESAC in July this antenna is revealing as a suitable and powerful tool for outreach an educational activities.

Radioastronomy workshop team.

Introduction to radioastronomy. Cristina García.

CESAR control room connection to the workshop. Control demostration.

Manuel Castillo, CESAR Vil1 Antenna Operator before demostration