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259 Results by news title
UC3M (Department of Aerospace Engineering,Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
University Carlos II shows intetest in ESAC activities.
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (UAX) visitan ESAC
Un grupo de alumnos de la asignatura de Vehículos espaciales de la UAX visitan nuestras instalaciones en Villafranca del Castillo..
Universidad Europea visita las instaciones de ESAC
Grupos pertenecientes al S-Art (Proyecto Aeroespacial Estudiantil Universitario) de la Universidad europea nos vistan en noviembre.
VUROAVIA Visit: The European Association of Aerospace Students
The european Association of Aerospace Student show intetest in ESAC activities.
Entre los días 18 y 21 de Noviembre tendrá lugar en formato híbrido el primer curso al profesorado CESAR & CO en castellano del curso 2024-2025.. La temática principal es el Sol y los Eclipses..
CESAR y la Fundación Alicia y Guillermo inauguran jornadas de astronomía con una observación (es)
El proyecto CESAR, por su compromiso social, empieza una serie de charlas de astronomía y ciencia espacial con la Fundación de personas mayores Alicia y Guillermo, comenzando con una observación y visita por las instalaciones de ESAC..
CESAR impulsa la educación astronómica en el congreso G-HOU 24 (es)
El equipo destacó sus programas educativos, sus telescopios y observatorios, y su compromiso social en el Congreso Global de Educación en Astronomía (GHOU). acompañado de un workshop dedicado a astrobiología. .
Diversidad y Ciencia: niños y niñas saharauis exploran el Cosmos en ESAC (es)
Jóvenes saharauis junto a sus familias de acogida visitaron el Centro Europeo de Astronomía Espacial (ESAC) de la ESA, gracias a la iniciativa #VacacionesenPaz y la asociación FEMAS - Sahara. En una jornada llena de actividades interactivas, charlas inspiradoras y recorridos por las instalaciones, los jóvenes exploradores aprendieron sobre el Universo y la ciencia en un ambiente inclusivo y diverso. ¡Una experiencia inolvidable que demuestra que la ciencia no conoce fronteras!.
Cierre del Ciclo Formativo CESAR & Co 2023-2024: Hacia una Educación Científica Inclusiva y Diversa (es)
El ciclo formativo CESAR & Co 2023-2024, El espacio, un aula para todos, finalizó el 23 de mayo, promoviendo la inclusión y diversidad en la ciencia. Participaron 147 docentes de España y Argentina, y se realizaron cursos sobre gigantes gaseosos, agujeros negros y exoplanetas habitables. El equipo CESAR ya prepara nuevos cursos para el próximo año..
Año estelar: más de 5,000 estudiantes han realizado SSEs este último curso (es)
Más de 5,000 alumnos y alumnas de 83 centros educativos diferentes han participado en las Space Science Experiences (SSEs) ofrecidas por el grupo CESAR desde el Centro de Astronomía de la ESA en Madrid (ESAC).
Visita de los estudiantes universitarios del Curso de Verano San Lorenzo de El Escoria (es)
Visita de los estudiantes universitarios del Curso de Verano San Lorenzo de El Escorial, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, al Centro de Astronomía de la ESA (ESAC), como motor de inspiración en el mundo del Espacio .
UCM-Asociación de Alumnos de la Universidad Complutense (ADAMUC) (es)
Exalumnos de la Universidad Complutense visitan ESAC.
Cuarto curso de profesores en castellano 23-24: El Espacio, un aula para todos (es)
Entre las fechas 20 y 23 de mayo realizaremos nuestro cuarto curso de profesores CESAR &CO 23-24, en el que compartiremos las experiencias de científicos y educadores para estar más cerca de que el Espacio sea un aula para todos..
Tercer curso de profesores en castellano 23-24: En busca de nuevos hogares (es)
Entre las fechas 15 y 18 de abril queremos co-crear con vosotras y vosotros nuevas situaciones de aprendizaje basadas en las condiciones necesarias para la vida así como en posibles asentamientos humanos en el Universo.

“La Universidad Europea viaja a Marte de la mano de la ESA”.
4º ESO+Empresa 2024 (ESAC 5.0) (es)
Entre los días 18 y 20 de marzo tuvo lugar en ESAC la quinta edición de la iniciativa 4ºESO+Empresa diseñada por el Equipo CESAR. En esta ocasión, la organización fue en estrecha coordinación entre los Equipos CESAR (ESA/ISDEFE/INTA) y el Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC/INTA)..
IFEMA: Madrid es Ciencia (es)
La Agencia Espacial Europea y el equipo educativo CESAR participa en la feria de la ciencia Madrid es Ciencia en el IFEMA, evento de divulgación científica..
Clausura del curso al profesorado CESAR & Co sobre agujeros negros (es)
Entre los días 5-8 de febrero tuvo lugar el segundo curso al profesorado del curso académico 23-24 bajo la temática de agujeros negros. Más de 180 profesores de España y Argentina aprendieron con charlas de expertos científicos y educadores..
Visit: AD-ASTRA group at ESAC
AD-ASTRA parnerts: UPM (Spain), ART-ER (Italy), DTA (Italy), TM (France), IQ (Netherlands).
Segundo curso de profesores en castellano 23-24: Los agujeros negros (es)
Entre las fechas 5 y 8 de febrero os sorprenderemos con los últimos descubrimientos de los agujeros negros de la mano de recién homejaneado Rafael Bachiller y otros grandes ponentes .
La Sexta Noticias: Un sector hacia arriba (es)
Sandra Benítez: En los últimos 5 ó 10 años hay una tendencia de reforzar las instituciones científicas
Science influencers at ESAC
Influencers at ESAC.
Más de 1000 alumnos han pasado por ESAC durante su SSE en el curso 22-23 (es)
Desde hace más de un mes, que comenzamos las SSE en ESAC, no hemos parado de acompañar al profesorado y al alumnado de la Comunidad de Madrid en la Actividad de Especial Dedicación del Equipo CESAR. A día de hoy más de 1000 estudiantes con sus más de 70 profesores han comenzado una Space Science Experience con nosotros y han venido a ESAC. .
ESAC in Orbita Laika
Orbita Laika a great experience with Ricardo Moure and Orbita Laika team at ESAC.
Join to European Space Agency as a trainee.
Primer curso de profesores en castellano 23-24: Los gigantes gaseosos y sus lunas (es)
Entre las fechas 13 y 16 de noviembre comenzamos la temporada de curso en castellano 23-24 CESAR & Co..
Visit: Saint Louis University, Madrid group
Visit of astronomy students from the University of Louis.
Sun activity: 20th anniversary of largest solar flare
Sun activity 20 years ago today! .
Jornada de puertas abiertas de la ESAC 2023 (es)
Diversión para todos en el Centro de Astronomía de la Agenica Espacial Europea..
Visit: group AlumniUAM
Exalumns from UAM visited ESAC facilities.
Apertura de las Space Science Experiences en ESAC 23-24 (es)
Tras el éxito de la reapertura de las Space Science Experiences presenciales en ESAC en el curso 22-23, el 17 de octubre abrimos de nuevos las puertas a todos los centros de España para el curso 23-24..
New sunspot region region starts
AR3460 region starts from 8th to 9th..
Sun activity: Huge beautiful prominence on the northwest
Helios Halpha telescops captures a c.
New Calcium K telescope for Helios
Helios takes daily photos in Calcium-K, Visible and H-alpha.
ESA-GTTP 2023 – The Unlimited Universe
Galileo Teacher Training Program at ESAC.
Telegrama a un planeta - Concurso educativo
Concurso dirigido a estudiantes de centros de enseñanza de toda España a partir de 3º de ESO hasta 2º de Bachillerato y FP (FPB y CCFF GM) cuyo objetivo es componer un mensaje gráfico o pictograma con el cual establecer un primer contacto con una posible civilización alienígena en el planeta Teegarden b un planeta potencialmente habitable de la estrella Teegarden.
Curso de profesores internacional ESA GTTP 2023 (es)
Curso de profesores internacional, Galileo Teacher Trainning Programe, diseñado en colaboración entre CESAR y NUCLIO. Éste tendrá lugar en formato híbrido (en ESAC y online) entre las fechas 11-15 de septiembre del 2023.

Euclid Day
Flip of disk special moment .
Welcome M flares
Moderate M flare on 1st September..
Actividad educativa VACACIONES EN PAZ en el planetario (es)
Actividad educativa VACACIONES EN PAZ en el planetario.
Flare of class C2.3 observed by Helios
Helios has detected a new flare in west limb (edge).

Farewell, AR3386
Solar Flare AR3386 detected by CESO.
¡ Buen verano ! Nuevas experiencias para vuestra vuelta al cole (es)
Desde el Equipo CESAR os queremos desear unas muy felices vacaciones y agradeceros toda la confianza e implicación en las actividades educativas de este año. Os habéis merecido un increíble descanso y nosotros también vamos a ello y a seguir cocinando nuevas experiencias juntos..
Helios Observartory captures Sunspot AR 3363
Sunspot AR 3363 indentified by CESO.
Visit from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Students from Adam Mickiewicz University (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science) visit ESAC installations.
UPM student visit at ESAC.
Clausura de la edición 2022-2023 de cursos al Profesorado en castellano CESAR & CO (es)
Con un record de asistencia de unos 333 profesores de España y Argentina clausuramos ayer los cursos al profesorado CESAR & CO del curo académico 2022-2023. A partir del curso 2023-2024 a los colaboradores actuales (CAC, IAA, IAC, CONAE, CTIF-Oeste, CEFIRE, INFoD) se nos unen el Observatorio Astronómica Nacional (OAN), el Observatorio de Yebes y el Instituto de Ciencias desl Espacio (ICE-CSIC)..
Cuarto curso para el profesorado en castellano: Los límites del Universo (es)
El Equipo de CESAR, en colaboración con el CTIF Oeste de Madrid, CFIRE de Valencia, la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, CSIC-INTA, el IAC y el IAA de España e INFoD y CONAE de Argentina, organizamos el tercer curso al profesorado en castellano del curso académico 2022-2023. En esta ocasión la tematica es Los límites del Universo.
Visit Global Management Challenge champions, UPM (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura)
Student visit to ESAC.
Inscripción abierta para el curso de profesores en castellano (22-25 de Mayo, 2023) (es)
Los límites del Universo pueden ser franqueados tras este curso de formación al profesorado CESAR & Co.
Abierta la inscripción para el ESAGTTP2023 (11-16 de Septiembre, 2023) -formato híbrido (es)
Un año más hemos abierto la inscripción al curso de profesores internacional ESAGTTP. .
Tercer curso para el profesorado en castellano: Los telescopios e infraestructura del futuro (es)
El Equipo de CESAR, en colaboración con el CTIF Oeste de Madrid, CFIRE de Valencia, la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, CSIC-INTA, el IAC y el IAA de España e INFoD y CONAE de Argentina, organizamos el tercer curso al profesorado en castellano del curso académico 2022-2023. En esta ocasión la tematica es Los telescopios e infraestructura del futuro..
El Equipo CESAR en Expoastronómica 2023 (es)
El pasado fin de semana, el Equipo CESAR no quisimos faltar a la séptima edición de Expoastronómica que tuvo lugar en Yebes por donde más de 1000 personas vinieron a conocernos..
Preparados para el tercer curso de formación al profesorado en castellano CESAR (es)
El pasado 9 de febrero tuvo lugar la clausura del curso de profesores en castellano titulado La exploración espacial. Objetivo la Luna, con unos 200 profesores de España y Argentina como asistentes. Ya estamos listos para nuestro siguiente curso de profesores en castellano que tendrá lugar entre los días 27 y 30 de marzo con el título Los telescopios e infraestructuras del futuro. ¡ Registráos ya, no os lo podéis perder !.
Segundo curso para el profesorado en castellano: La Exploración Espacial: Objetivo la Luna (es)
El Equipo de CESAR organizará el segundo de los cuatro cursos en castellano del curso académico 2022-2023, para el profesorado de España y de Argentina, de la mano de expertos de ESA, CSIC-INTA, ISDEFE, IAC,Hispasat, ESERO España e Hispasat y con la incondicional colaboración del profesorado en mesas redondas..
El astronauta Pablo Álvarez visitó a los estudiantes durante una Space Science Experience en ESAC (es)
El 1 de febrero las Space Science Experience fueron más espaciales que nunca pues contaron con la presencia del nuevo astronauta de ESA, Pablo Álvarez, quien contestó a todas la preguntas de alumnas y alumnos de los centros que vinieron ese día a vivir una SSE en ESAC..
Visit EELISA, UPM (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura)
On 27th January we received the visit of 48 participants from the EELISA, a sustenability project Workshop at ESAC for the site buildings, with students from UPM (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura).
Visita de los astronautas españoles de Leon, Pablo y Sara, al Equipo CESAR en ESAC, (es)
El pasado 21 de diciembre, el Equipo CESAR tuvimos la gran suerte de poder cnocer a los astronautas españoles, Pablo Álvarez Fernández y Sara García Alonso y contarles nuestros proyectos educativos y divulgativos que les encantaron..
Re-opening of the Space Science Experiences in ESAC
On the 13th of October the Space Science Experiences in ESAC were re-opened after the COVID-19 pandemic disruption, with more enthusiasm than ever. Since that day around 750 students from primary and secondary school came to ESAC to be scientist for a day with the CESAR Team.
Closure of the first 2022-2023 CESAR Teacher Training in Spanish
The first CESAR 2022-2023 Teacher Training was held on the (14-17) of November under the topic “Astronomy and Space for the Sustainable Development. .
1er curso para el profesorado en castellano:Astronomía y Espacio para un Desarrollo Sostenible (es)
El Equipo de CESAR organiza el primero de los cuatro cursos al profesorado en castellano del curso académico 2022-2023, ofertado para España y de Argentina, de la mano de expertos en Educación, Espacio, Sostenibilidad y Cambio Climático..
CESAR Helios Observatory Update
Report of solar activity from the CESAR Helios observatory..
Closure of the third edition of the online Galileo Teacher Training (ESA_GTTP2022)
The CESAR Team and the Galileo Teacher Training Program join hands again to bring cutting edge training opportunities to all interested teachers under the topic Space for All..
MoU signature
Official signing ceremony took place on 16 Sep 2022, with DoGs of ISDEFE, INTA and ESA Science Director. .
CESAR Observes Jupiter in its Closest Approach
The CESAR Helios Observatory was repurposed for the night of September 26 to observe Jupiter in its closest approach to Earth since 1963..
CESAR at EPSC 2022
CESAR presented its activities and the Educational Events using online broadcast (Eclipses, transits) at the Europlanet Science Conference EPSC 2022, held 18-23 Sep 2022 in Granada, Spain..
ESA - GTTP Teaching Course
The European Space Agency and the Galileo Teacher Training Program are inviting all interested teachers to the European Space Astronomy Centre for a week of training opportunities including presentations by scientists, hands-on activities, digital tools, research activities, visits to the facility and observing sessions with telescopes..
Solar Activity Update 23 Sept 2022
Report of solar activity from the CESAR Helios observatory..
Amanar Project Visit to ESAC
On Tuesday a group of refugee children and their host families visited the ESAC facilities and enjoyed a day full of learning and fun!.
Solar Activity Update 19 Aug 2022
Report of solar activity from the CESAR Helios observatory..
Solar Activity Update 12 Aug 2022
Report of solar activity from the CESAR Helios observatory..
Solar Activity Update 5 Aug 2022
Report of solar activity from the CESAR Helios observatory..
Solar Activity Update 22 Jul 2022
Report of high solar activity in the recent weeks from the CESAR Helios observatory..
CESAR in the Astronomy Education Adventure in the Canary Islands
CESAR will participate in the VIII International School Astronomy Education Adventure in the Canary Islands with lectures and workshops for teachers..
CESAR Helios Observatory Update
The CESAR helios observatory has resumed daily operation in a time of high solar activity. .
ESAC Tour for the Iberian Space Science Summer School 2022
CESAR resumed external visits with Iberian Space Science Summer School 2022, organized by the UAH (University of Alcala de Henares).
Cursos CESAR de Profesores 2021-2022 (en castellano) (es)
Durante el curso académico 2021-2022 CESAR ha realizado cuatro cursos de profesores en castellano para docentes en activo de España y Argentina..
Course for Astrotourism Guides, 31 May 2022
CESAR team gave a keynote talk during the Astrotourism Guides Eclipses Course organized by the Starlight Foundation, on 31 May 2022. The talk was about CESAR events related to solar observations for Education and Public engagement..
4th teacher workshop in Spanish: The Unknown Cosmos
The CESAR Team offers this 4th teacher workshop, in Spanish, designed in collaboration with the teacher centres CTIF (Madrid), CFIRE (Valencia) and CEUCD (Canarias) and the research institutions ESA, CAB, IAC, IAA and CAC, under the topic The Unknown Cosmos
CESAR team, back in the school
CESAR team explained to students in their 5-6 year astronomy concepts and answered their questions from their class activities. .
Tour for ESAC 2022 trainees
CESAR team gave a visit tour to the onsite 2022 ESAC trainees. The main ESAC rooms and missions were presented to these early career space enthusiasts..
3rd online teacher workshops in Spanish: Minor bodies in the Solar System
The CESAR Team offers this second online teacher workshop, in Spanish, designed in collaboration with the teacher centres CTIF (Madrid), CFIRE (Valencia) and CEUCD (Canarias) and the research institutions ESA, CAB, IAC, IAA and CAC, with experts on the topic Minor bodies in the Solar System..
Virtual Tour for EuCAP 2022
CESAR will perform an ESAC virtual tour for the EuCAP conference on 24th March 2022.
CESAR Eclipse team in the Astrotourism Guides Course by Starlight Foundation
The CESAR eclipse team was invited to support the Starlight Astroturism Monitors Course, held in Molina de Aragon, Spain, 01-05 March 2022. The CESAR team presented the Solar Eclipse 2026 activities and the expected profound impact in the protected sky Starlight area of Guadalajara..
2nd teacher workshop in Spanish: An approximation to the study of Earth
The CESAR Team offers this third teacher workshop, in Spanish, designed in collaboration with the teacher centres CTIF (Madrid), CFIRE (Valencia) and CEUCD (Canarias) and the research institutions ESA, CAB, IAC, IAA and CAC, under the topic An approximation to the study of Earth..
New 2022 ESA Young Graduate Trainee opportunities
ESA has announced the 2022 opportunities for YGT positions. Ready to apply?.
CESAR Teacher workshops, in Spanish, organized for the school year (2021-2022)
Teacher workshops designed by the CESAR Team, in collaboration with CTIF (Madrid), CFIRE (Valencia), CEUCD (Canarias), ESA, CAB, IAC, IAA, Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (Valencia)....
Red Planet, ESA and PLAYMOBIL
Explore the Red Planet with ESA and PLAYMOBIL !.
Studying the Sun to travel to the stars (Teacher workshop)
The new CESAR Teacher Workshop,under the name Studying the Sun to travel to the stars, is planned to be done online between the days (15- 18)th of November. This workshops, are as usual the result of a great collaboration with CTIF (Madrid), CEFIRE CTEM y Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia (Valencia), el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias(Canarias) and el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (Granada).
The CESAR SSE awarded as Actividades de Especial Dedicación in (2021-2022)
La Consejería de Educación, Universidades, Ciencia y Portavocía de la Comunidad de Madrid has awarded the CESAR Space Science Experiences (CESAR SSE) with the title of Actividades de Especial Dedicación, starting in the academic year 2021-2022..
ESA - Conoce la Agencia Espacial Europea (es)
Conferencia para conocer la ESA y para poder trabajar en ella.
New CESAR traineeship opportunities — 2022
If you are in the final year or have recently graduated from an STEM career, CESAR is waiting for you! Apply before 30 November 2021..
ESAGTTP2021 closing ceremony - Space Careers
130 teachers from 55 countries attended the ESAGTTP2021, organized by the second year online, under the coordination of ESA/CESAR and NUCLIO..
ESAGTTP2021 - Space Careers
130 teachers from 55 countries attended the ESAGTTP2021, organized by the second year online, under the coordination of ESA/CESAR and NUCLIO..
CESAR project acknowledged by C. Caude
CESAR project acknowledged by C. Caude.
International Space University visit
Virtual tour in ESAC (European Space Astronomy Centre).
Ceremonia de Entrega de Premios de las Space Science Experience (2020-2021) (es)
Entrega de Premios a los centros ganadores del concurso “Space Science Experience” (2020-2021), organizado por la iniciativa educativa CesaR de la Agencia Espacial Europea, el INTA y ISDEFE en colaboración con el CTIF y el Planetario de Madrid..
Chat with a female astronomer
On the 18th of February, CESAR is going to join the 11F initiative.
New Virtual Tour about ESAC, CESAR and important missions
The CESAR team has been working on a virtual tour through CESAR and ESAC facilities..
On-line Space Science Experiences
Here they are the CESAR on-line Space Science Experiences!!.
New CESAR traineeship opportunities — 2021
If you are in the final year or have recently graduated from an STEM career, CESAR is waiting for you! Apply before December 10th..
New multimedia section in CESAR webpage
In this section, named CESAR TALKS, we will be periodically posting 1-hour long talks from experts in space science..
New location for CESAR optical telescopes
Their new location in the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) close to CESAR headquarters, will facilitate updates and repairs, improving quality and observing time..
Beyond the asteroid belt (training course)
CTIF and CEFIRE participate in this teacher training course in spanish that will take place during the Science Week in Nov. 3-9 ..
A Journey To Space Exploration Missions: GTTP 2020 is over
The online course, that has taken place in the third week of October, counted with the assistance of ESAs Director of Science and head of ESAC Günther Hasinger..
ESA – GTTP 2020 – A Journey to Space Exploration Missions
The Galileo Teacher Training Program will bring us a new online course in late October..
AEACIs first full online edition is over!
VI edition of the teachers training course Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands, hosted by IAC, was carried online with a total success..
AEACI2020: Exploring stars and other worlds (Training course)
The sixth edition of Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands starting on the 20th of July, will be held entirely online. .
Teachers Training 2019/2020
With the end of the 2019/2020 season, we offer you a little recap of what we have done this year..
Space Science Experience 2019/2020 Resume
As we get deeper into summer, we look back to what we have done this season, giving you a little hint of what we will bring you for the next term!.
Educational Excursions Resume 2019/2020
CESAR accepts visit proposals for an educational excursion in ESAC.
ESA – GTTP 2020 – A Journey to Space Exploration Missions
October 18th to October 23rd 2020 | Madrid, Spain (European Space Astronomy Centre) (Online due to COVID-19).
Sun daily videos - CESAR Helios observatory
The Sun daily observation videos. Tell us if you see some events in the videos!.
New Archive Viewer tool
Cesar Archive Viewer is a web tool for browsing the data obtained in the educational projet Cesar..
The CESAR Team engaged with the 11F initiative: Woman and Girl in Science
During the Woman and Girl in Science week, the CESAR Team participated in a workshop held by MediaLab as well as in 5 videocalls withs schools in Madrid...
An approach to the study of the Earth (Training course)
This course will take place between February 10 and 13, 2020..
Happy 2020!
The first image of the 2020 Sun surprises us with a small sunspot.
New software on Cesar 2019-2020 | Workshop room
New internet connection and new software for the Space Science Experience and the teachers training workshops.
CHEOPS launch
We experienced CHEOPS live launch on 18 December 2019, with around 100 enthusiastic students.

CESAR at the ESA Space Science Workshop SSW#12, Aranjuez
CESAR will present the Solar Eclipse results in the ESA Space Science Workshop SSW#12, held 12-14 Nov 2019 in Aranjuez. CESAR has prepared a series of 4 posters. The posters describe the activities carried out during the Total Solar Eclipse 2019..
Mercury Transit 11 Nov 2019
The CESAR team observed the Mercury Transit 2019 from ESAC (European Space Astronomy Center)..
The colors of the universe (Training course)
This course (in spanish) will take place from Nov.11 until Nov. 14..
CESAR inspirational visit
The CESAR team gave a motivational speech to the students of 1-2 ESO, in the Caude school, Majadahonda..
The CESAR Team in Science on Stage (2019)
From 31rst of October to the 3rd of November, the CESAR Team participated on Science on Stage, in Cascais (Portugal)..
SSE 2018-2019 Awards Ceremony
On the 30th October, the CESAR Team celebrated the SSE 2018-2019 Awards Ceremony. The prize was obtained for the grade 2 students of the CEU San Pablo Monteprincipe school, for having delivered the most interesting and original research project to the Space-Science Experience Awards during the scholar year (2018-2019). .
European Space Agency: Studying the universe
Last October 24th CESAR participated by videoconference in a STEAM training course held in Buenos aires planetarium (Argentina) .
Teachers course with Argentina 2019
150 teachers at the Galileo Galilei Planetarium in Buenos Aires (Argentina) attended to a new CESAR course..
Controlling the ExoMars Rover via Radio
The 19th of October 2019 we open our working site (ESAC) in the ESA Open Day, ESA open the doors of the ESAC center to all people interested in the technologies developed by ESA.
2019 ESA Open Day in ESAC was a blast!
ESAs Astronomy Centre in Madrid (ESAC) opened its doors once again with several space-related activities intended for all ages.

ESA Open Day 2019 in ESAC
Come to the ESA Open Day at ESAC, visit the space on October 19, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. and discover the European Space Agency.
New 2020 Traineeship opportunities at CESAR
Application deadline will be 10th November 2019. Traineeships last up to a maximum of 6 months.
Curso dirigido a profesores de septiembre 2019 (es)
¿Cómo utilizar un telescopio en el centro educativo?.
A timelapse of the Total Solar Eclipse 2019
Total Eclipse video from the CESAR team. Images acquired every 15sec with a Baader white light filter and a 1m telescope. Camera Canon 550D. Location: ESO La Silla observatory.
Electrónica en el Space Summer Camp ESA (es)
Taller de electrónica, robótica, impresión 3D y de gestión de tu propia empresa sobre espacio.
ESA Lunar Nights: Apollo documentaries
This previous month we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo XI lunar landing with a series of screenings in ESAs facilities..
Total Solar Eclipse 2019
The CESAR team completed successfully their observation plans for the Total Eclipse 2019.
ESAC Star Party 2019
On Saturday the 22nd ESAC wittnessed another edition of ESAC Star Party, organized by CESAR and ESAC Astronomy Club.
ESAC Star Party para el solsticio de verano (es)
Organizado por el ESAC Astronomy Club.
CESAR aired live on TVE-24H
On 23 May 2019, the TVE-24H Spanish channel (La Barra - Astro24h) aired live an interview with the CESAR coordinator, MIchel Breitfellner. The CESAR initiative was presented, as part of ESA Education programs. .
Curso dirigido a profesores de abril 2019 (es)
Estudiando la creación de la materia normal del universo.
Presentation of CESAR in Expoastronómica 2019
Another year supporting the astronomy fair with our stand, showing the new scientific cases, the new program of the course for teachers, the program for 4ºESO + Empresa, etc..
Curso dirigido a profesores de febrero 2019 (es)
La Materia Brillante del Universo: Las Estrellas.
Lunar eclipse from ESAC, 21 Jan 2019
Total lunar eclipse from ESAC.
Curso dirigido a profesores de octubre 2018 (es)
Investigando los planetas interiores del Sistema Solar.
Curso dirigido a profesores septiembre 2018 (es)
¿Cómo utilizar un telescopio en el centro educativo?.
CESAR at EPSC 2018
CESAR presenter its activities and Mercury Transits at the European Planetary Science Conference EPSC 2018, held 17-21 Sep 2017 in Berlin, Germany..
Space Summer School 2018 (es)
Un año más CESAR protagoniza y participa, cediendo su espacio para las actividades del campamento espacial en las instalaciones de ESAC.
Blood Moon: longest eclipse in a century
CESAR team witnessed and recorded on 27th July 2018 the longer lunar eclipse in a century, from ESAC (European Space Astronomy Center). .
Curso dirigido a profesores Explora el Universo con tu clase (es)
Explora el Universo con tu clase es el primer curso de la iniciativa CESAR, 100% dedicado a formar a profesores de secundaria en cómo realizar en su clase casos científicos con contenido de Astronomia y ciencias del Espacio. .
Viaje sensorial con la Fundación ANDE (es)
Proyecto educativo CESAR acercando el conocimiento del Universo a personas con distintas discapacidades intelectuales. .
Curso dirigido a profesores en abril 2018 (es)
La Agencia Espacial Europea: satélites artificiales, su tecnología y su funcionamiento.
Eratosthenes Experiment 2018
The CESAR team organized a special experimental activity about the classical Earth’s diameter calculation, with the Caude School of Majadahonda, Madrid and IES Manuel de Falla, Maracena, Granada. The 1-2 ESO students (12-14 years old) learnt how in 200 BC, the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth using simple geometry and a few measurements..
Diamond ring
A diamond ring for San Valentine.
Curso dirigido a profesores de febrero 2018 (es)
Historia de la Astronomia, La Evolucion del Universo.
The Sun in 2017
The Sun in 2017 as seen by the CESAR Helios Observatory located at ESAC, Madrid. The posters compile in a calendar form a sample of the images acquired during each day in 2017. Other highlights of 2017 are also shown..
ESAC CubeSat Ground Station Presentation
Firsts advances on the new ESAC CubeSat ground station.
Japanese School special visit
Special talk about JAXA and ESA collaboration, international collaboration in the ISS and next Solar System missions. Also, we present a video recorded by Lectures team, in Japan on September talking about robots, Kibo and Bepicolombo..
Solar Eclipse Expedition during the ESA Space Science Workshop
CESAR was present on the ESA Science Workshop SSW#10, held 13-15 Nov 2017 in Aranjuez. CESAR displayed a series of 5 posters, plus one more in collaboration with Proba-3 team. .
Herschel VR Experience
CESAR Team developing new software experiences for Virtual Reality glasses with the ESA real all sky maps data, in a collaboration with the ESDC. Looking forward for next application in education..
Curso dirigido a profesores de octubre 2017 (es)
Aproximación al estudio de la Tierra.
CESAR at the European Planetary Science Conference EPSC: transits in our Solar System
The CESAR team presented at the European Space Science Conference a paper related to their educational activities Transits in our Solar System for educational activities: Venus Transit 2012, Mercury Transit 2016 and Total Solar Eclipse 2017.
Teachers workshop at ESAC coordinated by CTIF & CESAR Team
On the week of the 18th of September 2017, it was held at ESAC a new workshop for teachers coordinated by CTIF and the CESAR Team. The topic this time was about how to plan and execute observations with telescopes and how to extract scientific results from them..
Total eclipse 2017 – CESAR live
On the 21 August 2017, members of the ESA CESAR team made an exciting expedition to observe the total solar eclipse, visible this year from the US..
Space Summer School 2017
Space School with Astronaut Lili at the European Space Astronomy Centre..
CPESS-5 Meeting
Es la 5ª edición de la Reunión de Ciencias Planetarias y Exploración del Sistema Solar.
Masters degree visit from Cremades & Calvo Sotelo
On Thursday 27 April 2017, the students of the Masters Cremades & Calvo Sotelo in Business, Telecommunications, Internet and Audiovisual law visited ESAC..
CESAR con los colegios de Santa Marta, Colombia
Un evento especial para acercar ESA y el proyecto educativo CESAR a los colegios de la region de Santa MArta, Colombia..
Álvaro: The dream to be an astronaut
We had an special visit in ESAC. Álvaro came to meet spanish former astronaut Pedro Duque..
A different Solar System journey
Presentation of a sensory journey through the Solar System in the little kids space science programme.
Auroras in Kiruna
On 30 and 31 January 2017 the MEX and CESAR teams observed and recorded an auroral burst over Kiruna, Sweden..
IES Miguel de Cervantes school received at ESAC by an astronomer
26 students from Ciudad Real came with their teachers to ESAC to learn more about Space and ESA..
New workshop for teachers at ESAC hosted by the CESAR Team & CTIF
From 6 to 9 of February, the CESAR Team held a new workshop for teachers at ESAC..
Global Robot Expo 2017
CESAR Team visit the International Exhibition of Robotics to see the last technologies for education.
Lets go to Mars educational space game
In close collaboration with ESAs Mars Express and ExoMars missions and funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology.
New CESAR website open to the teachers
We open officially cesar.esa.int, you can enter into the website to see all the educational programs and registration options..
CESAR in the Peace and Cooperation Awards ceremony, Looking at the stars
During the International School Day for the Non-Violence and Peace.
ISS by Moonlight in different Europe media
The CESAR team observation about ISS crossing in front of the Moon in important media around Europe.
ISS by Moonlight
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s the ISS as it apparently flies across the surface of the Moon. .
Visita de los estudiantes del Taller de Astronomia de la URJC para mayores (es)
Un grupo de 60 estudiantes de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos para mayores vinieron a conoce ESAC.
Installing a Cubesat control from ESAC
To receive and send data to the little satellites with an educational and professional view.
November 2016 CTIF Workshop Course 2 at ESAC
Between 7 to 11 November 65 teachers attended the CTIF workshop at ESAC.
October 2016 CTIF Workshop Course 1 at ESAC
65 teachers attended to a CTIF workshop at ESAC.
CESAR in the Space Education International workshop
The CESAR initiative was invited to participate in the Space Education International Workshop in Leiden,The Netherlands, giving a session for teachers from different countries of the European Union..
New computer cluster installed and ready for education
Last month we prepared our education room with several computers for the new educational software.
Visit of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Aeronauticos de España
On 5th October El Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Aeronauticos de España visited ESAC.
The CESAR Team in Expoastronomica 2016
During the weekend of the 24-25th the CESAR Team participated in Expoastronomica 2016..
Space Summer School 2016 success
CESAR collaborate in ESAC Space Summer School 2016.
Visit of the DG to the CESAR Project
On 8th July 2016, the DG was visiting the CESAR Project..
ESAC Summer Solstice Star Party
ESAC Astronomy Club and CESAR project Star Party on Friday the 1 of July 2016.
Instituto Pedro Álvarez Sotomayor visit
2 teachers with a group of best students went to visit ESAC.
Escuela del Espacio Visit
24 people from the Escuela del Espacio from Valencia went to visit ESAC.
Human Resources employees visit
80 HR people from the European Space Agency went to visit ESAC.
Cassini Scientist for a Day
ESAC representation in the awards ceremony of the "Cassini Scientist for a Day competition" .
Mirabal school visit
11 best students from the Mirabal school of Madrid went to visit ESAC.
University of Manchester visit
7 students from the University of Manchester went to visit ESAC.
University of Alcalá Visit
11 students from the University of Alcalá went to visit ESAC.
AUGE Visit
40 students of an Astronomy Course of the Alcalá University went to visit ESAC.
ISS transit in front of the Sun
On the 18th of May the ISS transited in front of the Sun.
A course for teachers was given by the Community of Madrid on 17, 18, 19, and 23 May..
Mercury Transit 2016
On 9th of May occurred a Transit of Mercury.
UC3M visit
The Carlos III University of Madrid visits ESAC.
Mercury Transit information day
CESAR team presented the activities foreseen for the Mercury Transit observation.
International organisations meeting
Representatives from some of the international organisations and EU bodies based in Spain visited CESAR project.
Daniel Mosquera and Álvaro Manresa went to visit ESAC.
Ateneo Escurialense visit ESAC
The San Lorenzo de El Escorial mayores come with the visit.
UPM visits ESAC
About 40 students of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid went to ESAC.
Teachers first videoconference
Videoconference with Centro de Ciencia Principia in Málaga-Spain.
Introduction to Radioastronomy with university students
ESAC receives the visit of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.
A very special visit
We made Jorge's wish real thanks to Pequeño deseo foundation.
Global Robot Expo 2016
CESAR visit to International Exhibition of Robotics thanks to GMV.
Universitad Politécnica de Valencia rector visiting ESAC
Francisco J. Mora Mas, Universitad Politécnica de Valencia rector visited the ESAC installations.
New mirror material for astronomical presentation by Nematia
Reflexis plastic reflectors, a possible revolution for astronomy.
Observatorio Andaluz de Astronomía presentation
Francisco Angel Espartero Briceno presented his Observatory to the CESAR team.
Fundación AstroHita visit
The Fundación AstroHita went to ESAC to present his observatory.
Airbus Defence & Space visiting CESAR & ESAC
A little introduction to Airbus Defence & Space team.
Visit to 5th GMV Robotics Day experience
A lot of robots for different applications, like security, exploration, medicine, autonomy, science and education..
CESAR Team visit Simo Education
We visit the trade fair, organised by IFEMA in collaboration with Education 3.0.
First CESAR lectures in European Space Astronomy Center
We have started with the lectures, inspirational lesson for schools..
CESAR New Spheric Projection
The classroom of the future come to our project with this technology globe projection..
Introduction to Radio Astronomy with Navarra university
Summer course “Introduction to Radio Astronomy” organized by Universidad Publica de Navarra and Planetario de Pamplona..
Super Blood Moon eclipse
CESAR Team take videos and photos from ESAC and other places during early morning.
Expoastronómica 2015
One of the biggest events in Spain about astronomy is the Expoastronómica that takes place in Yebes, Guadalajara..
CESAR observation from Argentina
The CESAR educational telescopes allow Artentine group to observe the north sky..
CESAR in First Space Summer School on ESAC
CESAR team promoted the First Space Summer School in the European Space Astronomy Center..
UC3M Radio Astronomy Conference
60 students from the International Travelling Summer School, ITSS, and 20 professors visit ESAC installations and see CESAR programme..
Detailed image of the Sun´s surface
On the image, some main features of the Sun's chromosphere such as sunspots or filaments are visible..
Star Party in ESAC and Robledo Remote Demostration
CESAR team use an ESAC Star Party to make the first remote demostration of Robledo Robotic telescope..
Visit of ESA DG and country delegations
The ESA director Jean-Jacques Dordain visit ESAC..
First completely robotic observation in Robledo Observatory
Look the first photos in robotic mode..
Cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev visits CESAR
El cosmonauta Oleg Artemyev 169 días en órbita en la Estación Espacial Internacional y realizó 12 horas de paseos extravehiculares..
André Kuipers visits CESAR Control Room
André Kuipers comes to ESAC to give a presentation on his experiences as an astronaut and also answer any questions.
ESAC ESAs Window on the Universe
ESA video about ESAC projects, including CESAR educational project.
El espacio al alcance de los estudiantes (es)
Todo está a punto para que estudiantes y universitarios europeos se conviertan en astrónomos a través del proyecto CESAR.
CESAR in the Scientific Weekend in Madrid
The CESAR project in the most scientific weekend in Madrid.
CESAR in ExpoAstronomica
The first astronomic fair in Spain, Valdeluz, Guadalajara..
Meeting of the Spanish Society of Astronomy
CESAR project in XI meeting of the Spanish Society of Astronomy, this year will take in Teruel..
Sun Live mini website
Observe the Sun with Visible and H-Alpha filters, see timelapse video of the Sun and download the Sun archive files..
New autonomous closure system and control software
The Robledo observatory has now a new control software based on RTS2 Linux software and a new autonomous closure system..
Peter Kubanek visit
The optical telescopes of Robledo and Cebreros will be update to RTS2 software..
JPL Deputy Director visits CESAR Robledo observatory
The new JPL Deputy Director Larry D. James visit the Robledo Optical Observatory..
CESAR in the Third Workshop On Robotic Autonomous Observatories
CESAR has contributed with two speeches, enter the news to download them..
Sun public observation during the ESAC Fun Run
The CESAR team set up the solar telescopes for a public observation of the Sun during the ESAC Fun Run.
CESAR’s Cebreros Optical Telescope First Light
The 50cm cassegrain reflector telescope, located at ESA’s Cebreros Deep Space Ground Station, operates autonomously.
Robledo observatory installation Finished
Was finished with a dome update, new leveling platform design, new control software, new electronic, etc..
'First Light' for HELIOS ESAC's Solar Observatory
The Sun images and videos will be posted and archived in dedicated webpages for the Solar Observatory.
Solar Observatory dome installed
The solar observatory 3m dome was installed at the highest point of the ESAC premises in Madrid. .
First remote control demostration from CESAR-ESAC of Robledo telescope
Now we have the remote control, but the real target is to make it a robotic observatory..
Hardware installation finished in Robledo by MDSCC team
In few weeks we will be ready to make remote observations with a new CESAR telescope control software..
First light in Robledo´s telescope
Last sunday was the first light of this telescope in Training and Visitors Center of NASA.
Parallax Effect Charted in the 2012 Transit of Venus
When the images from the two locations are compared, the parallax effect is obvious.
Scheduling web application available
A first release of the scheduling web application is already available for the Cesar net of robotic telescopes..
CESAR ESAC radiotelescope is available again
VIL-1 Antenna is alternated for CESAR use and as a technology test platform. Now, it is available again for CESAR..
Didactic applications of remote and robotic observatories
Poster presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (Valencia, Spain, 9th - 13th July)..
CESAR project agreement signature
ESA, INTA and INSA signed a collaboration Agreement, in which 5 telescopes will be dedicated to education..
Venus transit observation
Four CESAR astronomers travel to opposite regions in the planet to witness the Venus Transit..
New CESAR Control Room
CESAR project‘s new control room centralize infrastructures and customers.
The CESAR ESAC radio telescope is operative
Since the last week, the CESAR ESAC RadioTelescope is suitable to observe radiosources in transit mode..
NASA & JPL first visit to the CESAR initiative
Visit of NASA and JPL representation to ESAC installations, having a meeting with Vicente Gómez, ESAC director.
A telescope will be installed at the NASA station in Robledo de Chavela
It will be shared with the PARTNeR project.
259 Results by news content


225 Results by title
Control Room
ESAC Radio Antenna
Cebreros Optical Observatory
Robledo Optical Observatory
Solar Observatory
Space Science Experience Introduction
Space Science Experience (Spanish Version)
Access to CESAR
Science Cases
Our Team
For educators
The Sun
The differential rotation of the Sun and its Chromosphere
Rotation Period Sunspot Activity
Venus transit and the Earth-Sun Distance
School Lectures
Multimedia (Spanish Version)
Solar System
Jupiter and its Moons
Supernovae Detection in Nearby Galaxies
Quasar Radio Emission Variability Study
Jupiter Magnetosphere Study
Michel G. Breitfellner
Abel de Burgos Sierra
David Cabezas
Beatriz Gonzalez
Javier Ventura-Traveset
Mission toMars
What are the colours of the stars?
3D Earth
Videos (Spanish Version)
Images (Spanish Version)
The Rotation of the Sun
Solar storms
The life of the stars
What is the weight of a planet?
Angel Pedro Montero
Francisco Ocaña
Iñaki Ortiz
Miguel Pérez Ayúcar
Elena Racero
Vaclav Glos
Silvia Romagnoli
Talk with an Astronomer
Observe from school
Teacher Training Courses
Space Travel with ESA
Sky Observation Party
Ground Station for educational CubeSats
User Forget Password (Spanish Version)
Space Science Experience Vídeos
The Sun Live
What is CESAR?
Portable Solar Observatory
Exploring the Interstellar Medium
The Secrets of the Galaxies
Recommended Videos
Special Educational Events
Venus Transit June 2012
Other Resources
Science Education with 3D Print
Total Eclipse 2017
Total Eclipse 2027
Total Eclipse 2026
Monographs on astrophysical topics
On-line Projects
Total Eclipse 2017
Interstellar Medium
The Stars (Spanish Version)
Join us
The Venus-Sun Distance
The Sun’s Rotation Period
Differential Rotation of the Sun
Curso. La Agencia Espacial Europea: Aproximación al Estudio de la Tierra (Spanish Version)
The Secrets of Galaxies
Exploring the Interstellar Medium
Alejandro Romar Tejeiro
Enrico Fini
Solar Eclipses Q&A
Title (Spanish Version)
Students Work Experience
Estudio a traves del espectro (Spanish Version)
Composicion de las estrellas (Spanish Version)
The invisible colours of space
What are the stars made of?
Coronal Mass Ejections
The colours of the astronomy
The Mass of Jupiter
Alejandro Cardesín Moinelo
University Visits to ESAC
Night sky constellations
Inspirational Space Videos
CESAR Trainees 2019
C001 Preparation of Science Cases for the CESAR Education Initiative
C002 CESAR ESAC Solar Observatory Master Control Programme
Mission to Mars
Mars Landing
Summer and Winter
Mission to the Moon (Videos)
The Color of the Stars (Videos)
Misión a la Luna (Videos) (Spanish Version)
The Herztsprung Russel Diagram (Videos)
Topographic Study (Videos)
Verano e Invierno (Videos) (Spanish Version)
Sun Rotation (Videos)
Study through the Electromagnetic Spectrum (Videos)
Mars Landing (Videos)
Solar Mass Ejections (Videos)
The Hertzsprung Russel Diagram (Videos)
The composition of the stars (Videos)
La masa de Júpiter (Videos)
Constellations (Videos)
Total Solar Eclipse 2019 plans
C003 Social Media and Communication
Total Eclipse 2019
Total Solar Eclipse 2019 results
Diego Moral Pombo
Daniel Kohler
Fran Acién
Decoding Signals from the Sky
Marta Donate
The secrets of the galaxies
Mission to the Moon
Mission to Mars I
Mercury Transit 11 Nov 2019
Mercury Transit 09 May 2016
Venus Transit 2012
Space Science Experience Contest
Scholar curricular contents required per Experience
Phases of the Space-Science Experience
Space Science Experience @ ESAC
Pasos del Space Science Experience
About the CESAR Archive Viewer
Material_flipped_SSE (Spanish Version)
NEW Space Science Experience Vídeos
Proyectos on-line (2020) (Spanish Version)
Proyectos on-line (2020) (Spanish Version)
Proyectos on-line 2020 (Spanish Version)
Proyectos on-line 2020 (Spanish Version)
Proyectos on-line NEW (Spanish Version)
Tripulación a Marte (no retorno) (Spanish Version)
SSE videos NEW2 (Spanish Version)
SSE CV19 (Spanish Version)
SSE videos (Spanish Version)
Retos Científicos on-line (Spanish Version)
¿Cuánto tarda el Sol en rotar? (Spanish Version)
Para profesores 2020 (Spanish Version)
Creando Retos Científicos Inolvidables (Spanish Version)
VIDEOS & RETOS DE (1-4) DE PRIMARIA (Spanish Version)
Prepárate con vídeos: 1-3 ESO (Spanish Version)
Preparate con vídeos: 4 ESO & 1-2 Bachillerato (Spanish Version)
¡S.O.S! Tormenta Solar hacia la Tierra (Spanish Version)
Señales de otras galaxias (Spanish Version)
¿Está vacío el vacío? (Spanish Version)
Aquello que no ves ... (Spanish Version)
¿Pero cuánto pesa un planeta? (Spanish Version)
¿Qué nos dicen las figuras del cielo noctuno? (Spanish Version)
Recuerda conceptos: 1-3 Primaria (Spanish Version)
Recuerda ..., 4-6 Primaria (Spanish Version)
Recuerda ..., 1-3 ESO (Spanish Version)
Recuerda ..., 4 ESO y 1-2 Bachillerato (Spanish Version)
Recuerda ... , (1-3) Primaria (Spanish Version)
PASOS DEL RETO (Spanish Version)
Fases de la Experiencia Inolvidable (Spanish Version)
Videos de Retos Inolvidables (Spanish Version)
Retos Cientificos Primaria (Spanish Version)
Retos Cientificos Secundaria (Spanish Version)
Decodificando señales del cielo II (Spanish Version)
¿¡Materia Oscura Detectada!? (Spanish Version)
Investigando sobre Marte y sus estaciones (Spanish Version)
¿Tiene Marte estaciones? (Spanish Version)
¡bip! ¡bip! Recibiendo señales del cielo (Spanish Version)
Siguiendo las manchas solares (Spanish Version)
¡S.O.S! Tormenta Solar a la Tierra (Spanish Version)
The Mars Seasons
Earth-Sun distance (Spanish Version)
Events (Spanish Version)
Videos sobre ESA & Marte (Spanish Version)
Casos Científicos (Spanish Version)
Diego Salvadores
Educational Experiences for Schools
On-line Space Science Experiences
Elisa Garrido López
Online Space Science Experience (Spanish Version)
On-line SSE (step by step )
ESAC Virtual Tours
CESAR Space Science Experiences Contest
on-line SSE FAQ
Sergio Manthey Corchado
Marina Cano
Consejos para SSE en ESAC (Spanish Version)
Visit EELISA, UPM (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura)
4ESO+Empresa 2023/24 (Spanish Version)
225 Results by content
* Observatories
* Control Room
* ESAC Radio Antenna
* Cebreros Optical Observatory
* Robledo Optical Observatory
* Solar Observatory
* Space Science Experience Introduction
* Space Science Experience (Spanish Version)
* Access to CESAR
* Science Cases
* Our Team
* Contact
* For educators
* News
* Subscription
* The Sun
* The differential rotation of the Sun and its Chromosphere
* Rotation Period Sunspot Activity
* Venus transit and the Earth-Sun Distance
* School Lectures
* Multimedia (Spanish Version)
* Solar System
* Jupiter and its Moons
* Exoplanets
* Supernovae Detection in Nearby Galaxies
* Radioastronomy
* X-Ray
* Quasar Radio Emission Variability Study
* Jupiter Magnetosphere Study
* Michel G. Breitfellner
* Abel de Burgos Sierra
* David Cabezas
* Beatriz Gonzalez
* Javier Ventura-Traveset
* Mission toMars
* What are the colours of the stars?
* 3D Earth
* Videos (Spanish Version)
* Images (Spanish Version)
* The Rotation of the Sun
* Solar storms
* The life of the stars
* What is the weight of a planet?
* Angel Pedro Montero
* Francisco Ocaña
* Iñaki Ortiz
* Miguel Pérez Ayúcar
* Elena Racero
* Vaclav Glos
* Silvia Romagnoli
* Talk with an Astronomer
* Observe from school
* Teacher Training Courses
* Space Travel with ESA
* Sky Observation Party
* Ground Station for educational CubeSats
* User Forget Password (Spanish Version)
* Space Science Experience Vídeos
* The Sun Live
* What is CESAR?
* Portable Solar Observatory
* Exploring the Interstellar Medium
* The Secrets of the Galaxies
* Recommended Videos
* Special Educational Events
* Venus Transit June 2012
* Other Resources
* Science Education with 3D Print
* Total Eclipse 2017
* Total Eclipse 2027
* Total Eclipse 2026
* Monographs on astrophysical topics
* On-line Projects
* Total Eclipse 2017
* Galaxies
* Interstellar Medium
* The Stars (Spanish Version)
* Join us
* The Venus-Sun Distance
* The Sun’s Rotation Period
* Differential Rotation of the Sun
* Curso. La Agencia Espacial Europea: Aproximación al Estudio de la Tierra (Spanish Version)
* The Secrets of Galaxies
* Exploring the Interstellar Medium
* Alejandro Romar Tejeiro
* Enrico Fini
* Solar Eclipses Q&A
* Title (Spanish Version)
* Students Work Experience
* Estudio a traves del espectro (Spanish Version)
* Composicion de las estrellas (Spanish Version)
* The invisible colours of space
* What are the stars made of?
* Cubesats
* Coronal Mass Ejections
* The colours of the astronomy
* The Mass of Jupiter
* Alejandro Cardesín Moinelo
* University Visits to ESAC
* Night sky constellations
* Inspirational Space Videos
* Recommended_Videos_index
* CESAR Trainees 2019
* C001 Preparation of Science Cases for the CESAR Education Initiative
* C002 CESAR ESAC Solar Observatory Master Control Programme
* Mission to Mars
* Mars Landing
* Summer and Winter
* Mission to the Moon (Videos)
* The Color of the Stars (Videos)
* Misión a la Luna (Videos) (Spanish Version)
* The Herztsprung Russel Diagram (Videos)
* Topographic Study (Videos)
* Verano e Invierno (Videos) (Spanish Version)
* Sun Rotation (Videos)
* Study through the Electromagnetic Spectrum (Videos)
* Mars Landing (Videos)
* Solar Mass Ejections (Videos)
* The Hertzsprung Russel Diagram (Videos)
* The composition of the stars (Videos)
* La masa de Júpiter (Videos)
* Constellations (Videos)
* Total Solar Eclipse 2019 plans
* C003 Social Media and Communication
* Total Eclipse 2019
* Total Solar Eclipse 2019 results
* Diego Moral Pombo
* Daniel Kohler
* Fran Acién
* Satellites
* Orbits
* Decoding Signals from the Sky
* Marta Donate
* The secrets of the galaxies
* Mission to the Moon
* Mission to Mars I
* Mercury Transit 11 Nov 2019
* Mercury Transit 09 May 2016
* Venus Transit 2012
* Space Science Experience Contest
* Scholar curricular contents required per Experience
* Phases of the Space-Science Experience
* Space Science Experience @ ESAC
* Pasos del Space Science Experience
* About the CESAR Archive Viewer
* Material_flipped_SSE (Spanish Version)
* NEW Space Science Experience Vídeos
* Proyectos on-line (2020) (Spanish Version)
* Proyectos on-line (2020) (Spanish Version)
* Proyectos on-line 2020 (Spanish Version)
* Proyectos on-line 2020 (Spanish Version)
* Proyectos on-line NEW (Spanish Version)
* Tripulación a Marte (no retorno) (Spanish Version)
* SSE videos NEW2 (Spanish Version)
* SSE CV19 (Spanish Version)
* SSE videos (Spanish Version)
* Retos Científicos on-line (Spanish Version)
* ¿Cuánto tarda el Sol en rotar? (Spanish Version)
* Para profesores 2020 (Spanish Version)
* Creando Retos Científicos Inolvidables (Spanish Version)
* VIDEOS & RETOS DE (1-4) DE PRIMARIA (Spanish Version)
* VÍDEOS PARA RETOS DE (4-6) PRIMARIA (Spanish Version)
* Prepárate con vídeos: 1-3 ESO (Spanish Version)
* Preparate con vídeos: 4 ESO & 1-2 Bachillerato (Spanish Version)
* ¡S.O.S! Tormenta Solar hacia la Tierra (Spanish Version)
* Señales de otras galaxias (Spanish Version)
* ¿Está vacío el vacío? (Spanish Version)
* Aquello que no ves ... (Spanish Version)
* ¿Pero cuánto pesa un planeta? (Spanish Version)
* ¿Qué nos dicen las figuras del cielo noctuno? (Spanish Version)
* Recuerda conceptos: 1-3 Primaria (Spanish Version)
* Recuerda ..., 4-6 Primaria (Spanish Version)
* Recuerda ..., 1-3 ESO (Spanish Version)
* Recuerda ..., 4 ESO y 1-2 Bachillerato (Spanish Version)
* Recuerda ... , (1-3) Primaria (Spanish Version)
* PASOS DEL RETO (Spanish Version)
* Fases de la Experiencia Inolvidable (Spanish Version)
* Videos de Retos Inolvidables (Spanish Version)
* Retos Cientificos Primaria (Spanish Version)
* Retos Cientificos Secundaria (Spanish Version)
* Decodificando señales del cielo II (Spanish Version)
* ¿¡Materia Oscura Detectada!? (Spanish Version)
* Investigando sobre Marte y sus estaciones (Spanish Version)
* ¿Tiene Marte estaciones? (Spanish Version)
* ¡bip! ¡bip! Recibiendo señales del cielo (Spanish Version)
* Siguiendo las manchas solares (Spanish Version)
* ¡S.O.S! Tormenta Solar a la Tierra (Spanish Version)
* The Mars Seasons
* Earth-Sun distance (Spanish Version)
* Events (Spanish Version)
* Videos sobre ESA & Marte (Spanish Version)
* Casos Científicos (Spanish Version)
* Diego Salvadores
* Educational Experiences for Schools
* On-line Space Science Experiences
* Elisa Garrido López
* Online Space Science Experience (Spanish Version)
* On-line SSE (step by step )
* ESAC Virtual Tours
* CESAR Space Science Experiences Contest
* on-line SSE FAQ
* Sergio Manthey Corchado
* Marina Cano
* Consejos para SSE en ESAC (Spanish Version)
* Visit EELISA, UPM (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura)
* 4ESO+Empresa 2023/24 (Spanish Version)


231 Results by content
* Photo - Radio Telescope VIL 1 (Spanish Version)
* Photo - ESAC Villafranca (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Cebreros ESA station (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR Optical Telescope (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Cebreros Telescope Installed (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR Canberra Venus transit team (Spanish Version)
* Photo - First NASA visit to CESAR (Spanish Version)
* Photo - NASA in CESAR control room (Spanish Version)
* Photo - NASA photo in ESAC (Spanish Version)
* Photo - 3D CESAR antenna model (Spanish Version)
* Photo - 3D CESAR antenna model 2 (Spanish Version)
* Photo - 3D CESAR control room (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Venus transit Svalbard team (Spanish Version)
* Photo - East view of CESAR Cebreros observatory (Spanish Version)
* Photo - ESA TV in Svalbard Venus observation (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Venus transit from Spain (Ibiza) (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR logo with black background (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR Control Room (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Spanish Society of Astronomy meeting (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR Dome installed in Robledo (Spanish Version)
* Photo - View from Robledo telescope dome (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Robledo opened dome (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Venus transit in visible light (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Venus transit with filter H-Alpha (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR control and communications map (Spanish Version)
* Photo - The new CESAR solar telescope dome comes (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Solar dome future place (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR Solar telescope dome installed (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Solar telescope dome installed panoramic view (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Parallax between Canberra and Svalbard photo (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR VIL-1 antenna night view (Spanish Version)
* Photo - NASA and JPL visit CESAR installations (Spanish Version)
* Photo - CESAR 3D logo (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Robledo observatory dome (Spanish Version)
* Photo - First light in CESAR Robledo observatory (Spanish Version)
* Photo - First light in CESAR Robledo observatory II (Spanish Version)
* Photo - First light in CESAR Robledo observatory III (Spanish Version)
* Video - CESAR 3D Logo Animation (Spanish Version)
* Video - Installing CESAR Solar Telescope (Spanish Version)
* Video - Parallax Transit Venus (CESAR Project) (Spanish Version)
* Video - CESAR VIL1 Antenna Sources Observation (Spanish Version)
* Video - Spanish presentation of CESAR project (Spanish Version)
* Video - WTR2009 CESAR Project presentation (spanish) (Spanish Version)
* Video - CESAR Project Presentation 2013 (English) (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Robledo Remote Control Interface (Spanish Version)
* Photo - First light Cebreros. Triangulum Galaxy (Spanish Version)
* Photo - First light Cebreros. Ring Nebula (Spanish Version)
* Video - HELIOS Observatory Sun explosion detection (Spanish Version)
* Photo - A plane crossing the Sun in H-Alpha (Spanish Version)
* Photo - External webcam of Cebreros Observatory (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Internal Cebreros telescope webcam (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Robledo observatory external webcam (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Robledo telescope internal webcam (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Solar observatory telescope webcam (Spanish Version)
* Photo - External webcam of solar observatory (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Vil1 antenna webcam view (Spanish Version)
* Video - New telescope installed in Robledo (english) (Spanish Version)
* Video - Video presentación CESAR 2015 (spanish) (Spanish Version)
* Video - Video presentation CESAR 2015 (english) (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Detailed image of the Sun´s surface (Spanish Version)
* Photo - Solar Telescope at ESAC
* Video - Presentation by Javier Ventura - ESA/ESAC/CESAR (English) (Spanish Version)
* Video - Javier Ventura Presentación - ESA/ESAC/CESAR (Spanish) (Spanish Version)
* Video - Venus Transit 2012 video (Spanish Version)
* Video - Timelapse of Mercury transit in Teide, H-Alpha
* Video - Timelapse of Mercury transit in Cerro Paranal, H-Alpha
* Video - Timelapse of Mercury transit in Teide, visible light
* Video - Timelapse of Mercury transit in Cerro Paranal, visible light
* Photo - The International Space Station crosses the Moon
* Photo - The International Space Station crosses the Sun
* Photo - Cubesat Antenna
* Photo - Auroras in Kiruna
* Photo - Sun is active! Protuberance moving
* Video - Hedgerow Prominences
* Photo - The Sun in 2017 (visible channel)
* Photo - The Sun in 2017 (H-alpha channel)
* Video - Total Eclipse 2019, Chile
* Video - General Summary 2016-2017 - CESAR
* Video - Mars space exploration missions
* Video - Nuclear ovens: The origin of nearly everything
* Video - Microsatellites: The Cubesat
* Video - Google Earth: A tool with educative potential
* Photo - CESAR optical observatories Control Room
* Video - PETeR: Robots that look at the sky
* Video - The chemistry of the universe
* Video - Engineering for space missions
* Video - How do we detect exoplanets?
* Video - How we put a satellite into the right orbit?
* Video - Exploring Venus | The hottest planet on the Solar System
* Video - An introduction to the European Space Agency
* Video - INTEGRAL | Observing the most energetic objects in the universe
* Video - GAIA | Measuring more than a billion stars
* Video - What is the CESAR initiative?
* Video - The SMOS satellite
* Video - The universe in the radio spectrum
* Video - What is radioastronomy?
* Video - How did everything started?
* Video - A universe of galaxies
* Video - ESA Earth Observation Program
* Video - Meteorological satellites
* Video - XMM-Newton | The extreme universe
* Video - Typology of satellite orbits
* Video - Solar Orbiter
* Video - Checking satellites before launch
* Video - ExoMars Mission
* Video - The problem of space debris
* Video - An introduction to budget astrophotography
* Video - Scientific applications of GNSS
* Video - An introduction to astronomical observation
* Video - Astronomy in the infrared | Herschel telescope
* Video - Mercury | The innermost planet of the Solar System
* Photo - Nocturnal Optical Observatories in ESAC
* Video - The SMOS Mission (English)
* Video - Space Safety (ENGLISH)
* Video - ESA Science Program (ENGLISH)
* Video - What is the Centre for Astrobiology (CAB)? (ENGLISH)
* Video - An Introduction to ESA (ENGLISH)
* Video - Mars Missions (ENGLISH)
* Photo - Observatories with snow
* Video - Professional working at ESA Centres. A study case: ESAC
* Video - Introduction to DiSTARS storytelling platform
* Video - Introduction to ESA and their Centers/Teams
* Video - What is like to be an analog astronaut? (story telling)
* Video - What is like to be at the Space Medicine Team at EAC? (story telling)
* Video - Hands-on activity Discovering space in our daily lives
* Video - What robotic telescopes are?
* Video - What is like to be an Project Scientist? (story telling)
* Video - Hands-on session Plan an observation with a robotic telescope
* Video - Data processing and archiving activities at an ESA Science Operations Centre
* Video - Hands-on sessions
* Video - Introduction to ESASky
* Video - Hands-on session In search of our origins
* Video - Get to Know an astrophysicst (story telling)
* Video - Introduction to SalsaJ
* Video - The importance of collaborations among Agencies
* Video - How is the collaboration in the Planetary Defense
* Video - Asteroid Impact calculator
* Video - Hands-on session Learn how to process your own data (SalsaJ)
* Video - Hands-on session The hidden Universe (Spanish Version)
* Video - Introduction to ESA Education
* Video - Introduction to ESA Academy
* Video - Introduction to innovative methodologies for learning
* Video - Introduction to the CESAR Team
* Video - CESAR Space Science Experiences
* Video - Space Exploration Educational Kits
* Video - Robotic telescopes resources
* Video - PETER: Investigating the Universe with robotic telescopes
* Video - Introduction to ESA and the Science Programme
* Video - Introducción a la iniciativa CESAR
* Video - Tour virtual por ESAC
* Video - La misión Solar Orbiter y otras misiones que estudian el Sol
* Video - Ciencia con Cluster/ PROBA-3
* Video - Taller CESAR (“Tras las manchas solares”)
* Video - Espectropolarimetría solar desde el espacio
* Video - Hornos nucleares, el origen de casi todo
* Video - La vida de las estrellas
* Video - Introducción al Proyecto Educativo PETeR
* Video - Descubre supernovas con PETeR
* Video - Los datos científicos del archivo de GAIA
* Video - Introducción al material educativo de ESA Educación
* Video - Taller CESAR (“En busca de nuestros orígenes”)
* Video - Introducción a las Space Science Experiences CESAR
* Video - Introducción a la Agencia Espacial Europea y su programa científico
* Video - Introducción a la iniciativa CESAR
* Video - Tour virtual por ESAC
* Video - Introducción al material educativo de ESA Educación
* Video - Observación de la Tierra con SMOS: el ciclo del agua
* Video - Satélites meteorológicos y principales canales de observación
* Video - Basura espacial
* Video - Estudios de Venus, lecciones para aprender para la Tierra
* Video - Estudios de Marte, lecciones para aprender para la Tierra
* Video - Taller (Ciencia en clase con los datos de Marte de VMC/Mars Express)
* Video - La búsqueda y el estudio de exoplanetas terrestres - I
* Video - La búsqueda y el estudio de exoplanetas terrestres - II
* Video - Beyond the Sun (película y guía educativa)
* Video - Introducción a la iniciativa CESAR
* Video - Introducción a la Agencia Espacial Europea y su programa científico
* Video - Tour virtual por ESAC
* Video - Tour virtual por el IAC
* Video - Asteroides, Troyanos y misiones espaciales
* Video - Próximas misiones a pequeños cuerpos
* Video - Introducción las Space Science Experiences CESAR
* Video - El cometa 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko y la misión Rosetta
* Video - Los objetos trans-neptunianos
* Video - NEOCC – Equipo de Defensa Planetaria de ESA
* Video - Investigando asteroides y cometas con PETeR
* Video - Introducción a la Agencia Espacial Europea y su programa científico
* Video - Introducción a la iniciativa CESAR
* Video - Tour virtual por ESAC
* Video - Tour virtual por el IAC
* Video - Las escalas del Universo
* Video - Introducción a las Space Science Experiences de CESAR
* Video - Formación de planetas en condiciones extremas
* Video - The JWST era
* Video - Actividad nuclear en galaxias
* Video - Simulando el Universo
* Video - Introducción al Proyecto PETeR
* Video - Curva de luz de un cuásar
* Video - El Universo extremo, de XMM-Newton a Athena
* Video - El lado oscuro del universo - The Euclid Era
* Video - Astronomía Multimensajero
* Photo - Introducción al derecho espacial 2022 (Spanish Version)
* Video - Hack an Exoplanet with ESA Education | Live Event
* Video - CESAR te lleva a explorar el espacio (Spanish Version)
* Video - Introduction to ESA
* Video - Space For All
* Video - Space for Development/CESAR Project
* Video - Gaia Data Release 3
* Video - Visit to ESAC
* Video - ESA Scientific Missions
* Video - CESAR SSE (part 1)
* Video - CESAR SSE (part 2)
* Video - Hands-on: The Gaia sky survey (Part 1)
* Video - Hands-on:The Gaia sky survey (part 2)
* Video - Participatory Session
* Video - James Webb
* Video - SalsaJ
* Video - Hands on: Black Holes Rosa Doran/Fraser Lewis (part 1)
* Video - Hands on: Black Holes Rosa Doran/Fraser Lewis (part 2)
* Video - The Story of James Webb (part 1)
* Video - The Story of James Webb (part 1)
* Video - The Story of James Webb (part 2)
* Video - Solar Orbiter
* Video - How much is the weight of a planet?
* Video - Bepi Colombo
* Video - Searching for Life in Universe
* Video - One Thousand and One Nights of Astronomy EducatioN
* Video - Inclusion and Innovation in Education
* Video - Robotic telescopes: Peter and Faulkes
* Video - Investigating our place in the Universe with Peter-Part 1
* Video - Investigating our place in the Universe with Peter-Part 2