Home » Space Science Experience » Phases of the Space-Science Experience - https://cesar-tools.cosmos.esa.int/web/index.php?Section=SSE_procedimiento (Printable version, go to full version) Phases of the Space-Science Experience
Description of the Space-Science Experience workflow:The CESAR Team offers a set of ´'Space-Science Experiences´, that are unique experiences for students that come to ESAC. Enjoying a Space Science Experience is a common effort between the school and the CESAR Team. The main phases required to be able to access to the CESAR Space Science Experience (SSE) are listed here: Register yourself!Teachers interested in living a Space-Science Experience with their class should do so it through this link, for which previous registration is required. Bear in mind that registration is not done automatically but after some human checks. In case you do not receive an answer (within one-two week), please send us an email to Project.Cesar@esa.int. Choose your favorite Space Science Experience!The list of topics offered as CESAR Space Science Experience (SSE) are listed in the table below as well as target age recommendations. Each SSE session has a duration of an hour and a half and takes place on Wednesdays and Thursdays, one at 9:45 A.M and the other at 11:45 A.M. The scientific cases are designed for a maximum of 55 students and 2 or 3 teachers. With all this information, teachers could decide their favourite SSE topic, date for their class to come to ESAC, skype session, ... For more details please download the instructions here.
Start your Space Science Experience in the classroomAt school and together with their teacher, the students will watch a set of videos provided by the CESAR Team. Appart from those, we encourage you to watch some of these inspirational space videos. Some extra material (see table below) available on the web is only to be seen by the teacher, so she/he can identify whether some concepts should be reviewed before coming to ESAC. The CESAR Team considers that the 'woo effect' at ESAC is key for the students learning process, therefore it is not recommended to show the Science Cases to the students in advance.
Call us with SkypeWhen teachers request their SSE they should also select between two possible time slots for a Skype session with the CESAR Team coordinator, Dr. Michel Breitfellner. The duration of the Skype session is 15-20 minutes and the goal is to answer any questions the teacher may have about the Space Science Experience they have chosen (Skype account: Cesarprogramme@gmail.com). Prepare your visit to ESAC (Madrid)The school is responsible for coordinating the following:
ESAC address: Camino Bajo del Castillo, s/n., Urb. Villafranca del Castillo, 28692 Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spain Be a scientist at ESACThe students will be scientists for a day at ESAC. For an hour and a half they will form groups to “accomplish a mission” by answering several questions related to the exercise selected. At the end, a spokesperson for each group will summarise her/his group´s results to the other groups. PARTICIPATE IN THE ANNUAL CONTEST "SHARE YOUR SPACE SCIENCE EXPERIENCE"
The CESAR program wants to invite all the students who have participated in the SSE carried out at ESAC to participate in the first edition of the annual contest "SHARE YOUR SPACE SCIENCE EXPERIENCE".
Come and visit us and live an unforgettable experience. |